Block Time at Parliament

It was a lovely morning at the home of Root Canal’s middle school.  Yes, it’s an elementary school now, but when you show up early and Root Canal can’t sleep so he shows up early, you learn all kinds of fun things!  We even...

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UA is UberAmazing

Warmarama:  SSH, Hillbillies, Abe V, Stretching hamstrings, downward dog then updawg, piriformis stretching in sitting and so on and so forth.   THE THANG: (loosely copied from a Dr Toot beatdown from this past winter) Mosey to E 5th to R on...

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Crash Dummy Grinder

5 were there by 5:29, High Cotton rolled in with 10 seconds to spare to complete 6 and make possible the 3 man grinders planned, no need to Omaha to another plan. Announced it was 7 am and as everyone turned to go home remembered and announced it...

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Curb Crawls

Warmrama: Four corners while we waited for Spicoli.  Seal Claps, Bonnie Blairs, SSHs, Apollo Onos.  Spicoli didn’t show so it was time to go. The Thang: Quick mosey east on 3rd Street, south on Town Run, east on 1st Street to Salem Avenue. Mike...

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A Mild TIT

Warmrama: Abe Vigodas, Whirlies, Hammy Stretch, Updawg, Downdawg, Stretchy-Retchy The Thang: Mosey down Yorkshire towards Silas Creek, through parking lot of Parkway Presbyterian, west on Kirklees, NW on Archer and up the hill to east on...

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OGs and Tractors

15 strong including FNG Squeegee who finally got off the toilet long enough to join Doublewide for a run. Great job by all on a very humid morning with no wind.  Special prayers for Undertow overcoming Covid and MRSA.

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Tabatas at Alcatraz

I was thankful for a short time Saturday we actually got some relief from the heat and humidity and it turned out to be a pleasant cool morning.   We had 8 for Supermax including FNG Rocky who is a friend of Bullwinkle.  Rocky and Bullwinkle, we...

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