All the Usual Suspects

Supermaxx was a blast as the Murph was in full affect. Suede is making quantum leap improvements and Gretel is much like the Q, stubbornly determined to improve. Ziffel approached surprisingly on time, but from the perspective of a possum, as he...

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Respects or more on a Hill

YHC was a bit worried when the top of the hour was approaching and only YHC was there, then Ziggy arrived, we discussed an early coffeeteria and then Rustbucket arrived. So 3 seemed good to proceed, although Rustbucket thought well of the...

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Natalie Portman Loves Pawtism

WARMARAMA. SSH, Michael Phelps, Whirlies   THE BEATDOWN.   4 corners (cones).  Do 1 exercise at each cone.  All exercises x20.  Run a lap on the track after each round.   Cone 1: Knee-to-Ground Reverse Lunges (single count) Cone 2...

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Yelp Review of Mutton HVAC, LLC

WARMUP.   Does it matter?   BEATDOWN. For each round, run to different points in the parking lot and do the prescribed exercises.   Round 1: Hillbillies x5, Hand Release Clap Merkins x10, Knee-to-Ground Iron Mikes x15, Hand Release...

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Pair of 3 at TIT

A nice but muggy July morning with an occasional slight breeze. Finishing the workout plan on my slow mosey to Iron Throne.  I was all alone on arrival and without a time-telling thingy of any kind. A few more minutes and I contemplated a quick...

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Block Time at Parliament

It was a lovely morning at the home of Root Canal’s middle school.  Yes, it’s an elementary school now, but when you show up early and Root Canal can’t sleep so he shows up early, you learn all kinds of fun things!  We even...

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UA is UberAmazing

Warmarama:  SSH, Hillbillies, Abe V, Stretching hamstrings, downward dog then updawg, piriformis stretching in sitting and so on and so forth.   THE THANG: (loosely copied from a Dr Toot beatdown from this past winter) Mosey to E 5th to R on...

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