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Warmarama: Upon popular demand, we warmed up with SSHs, Abe, Whirly, Down/Up Dog, and Dive Bombers. The Thang: At every stoplight, do 3 burpees.  If light is red, do 3 merkins with each burpee.  If light is yellow, 2 merkins with each burpee, and...

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Soft as a boiled tomato

Well you couldn’t of drawn up a more glorious morning to workout outside, with the rising temperatures and the smell of spring in the air, WIB was set up for a treat. As I pulled into the parking lot to stage the workout and prepare my mind...

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March Comes in like a Sumo

A chilly early morning greeted us for what would become a most pleasant day.  YHC arrived very early to check out the AO and then get in an EC run.  To his surprise when he arrived, Sgt Schultz found my car in the lot.  By 0500, 4 had gathered...

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Crowd Pleaser

Warm Up SSH X 20 IST X 20 Toy Soldiers X 20 Abe Vigota X 6 Whirly X 10 Downward/Upward Dog The Thang Mosey to the Intimidator 20 Squats at the bottom 1st. stop 25 Merkins Back to Bottom 20 Squats 2nd. Stop 20 DC Lunges Back to Bottom 20 Squats...

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A crisp morning to wrap up February. The EC run with Palin, Greenspan, and Turnover got the blood flowing and had more hills than necessary. Honestly, YHC thoughts Palin was kidding when he said TO was leaving after the run to go to Planet...

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Early Morning Smells

Damp and ideal temperatures awaited the valorous pax who conquered the Tractors and OGs routes this morning.  Tractors pax were not pleased with the comparable elevation challenge they faced when looking at the OGs route.  There was a healthy...

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It was a dark and stormy night….So we Omaha’d to the parking deck across from Publix. 7 Pax stayed dry from the rain, but worked up a good sweat hustling up and down the deck. It was really a simple work out.  After a few minutes of...

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At Least One More

It was WIB. I do not do WIB. I used to do WIB, but I no longer do WIB. But for Dr. Toot, I do WIB. Warm-O-Rama 20 SSH 10 Abe Vigoda 15 Hill Billy 10 Whirly 15 Imperial Walker The Thang Station 1: J Crew 5 WWII, 5 Heels to Heave, 5 Side Crunches...

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Pleiades Mythology

YHC received the keys to Redline late Monday evening via the surly Mongoose who is nursing an achilles injury (get better soon).  There was little time for track creativity so YHC let his mind drift to the seven little hills rising away from...

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