Purgatory Happened

A bright sunny Saturday greeted the 11 pax who ventured to the Purgatory of Speas Elementary this morning. Burlap & Parkay showed up a little behind schedule because they were watching the Top 10 on Sportscenter, and astonishingly enough...

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Tabata at TRQ 6.13.19

TRQ 6.13.19 PAX: Burns(Q), 5 Dollar Footlong, Whirly, former FNG 7 Layer, Wobegon, Goofy, Zombie, LaZBoy, former FNG Red Baron, Argyle, Palin I got a call from Whirly last night letting me know he was bringing a FNG to TRQ this morning, to which...

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Come Hell or High Humidity

The Estate 6.10.19 PAX: H.O.G., Drip, Razzie, Chisel, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Corruption (from Ft Mill), Burns (Q) I woke up this AM and checked my phone (big mistake) to see 68 degrees and 99% humidity. Oh lordy. Maybe no one would show up, I...

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Estate 5.13 Double DORA

PAX: Huckleberry, Touch-Me-Not, Offsides, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Balco, Snooki, Chisel, Jar Jar, Razzy, Zima, Burns (QIC) A last minute call for a substiQ led to me trying to devise a way to pay Huckleberry back for what he did at the WIB helm on...

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Merkin Monday @ The Outhouse

PAX: Greenspan, Thistle, Rust Bucket (WD), Wobegon, Root Canal, Bevo, Palin, Burns (WB, QIC) Before I begin, I need to highlight three HIMs – Wobegon & Hoptoberfest for their willingness to help me move despite a major failure by the...

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What are the odds? WIB 1-17

Monday afternoon I was messaging with Thistle to ask if he had any upcoming WIB Qs available as to motivate my lazy butt to get out of the fartsack on Thursday mornings. He said how about this Thursday, and that was that. He also admitted he is...

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Qtiny at Urban Assault

Urban Assault 12/14 Pax: Post Hole, TSA, Dr. Toot Canal (WD), Palin, Blue Steel, Robocop, Burns (QIC, WB) YHC rolled into Bailey park around 0520 half expecting nobody to post, but lo and behold Post Hole was sitting in his truck ready for some...

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Remember, Remember @ The Outhouse

Pax: Greenspan, Zima, Redeye, Balco, Manscape (WD), Palin, Burns (WB/QIC) Today is the 5th of November, which our friends across the Atlantic celebrate as Guy Fawkes Day.  Guy Fawkes was an anarchist who, with a band of others, nearly carried out...

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