q return to distillery

been a minute since yhc q’d, made the return to distillery this am. arrived followed by a few folks posting, a good number for the AO. mission and core principles recited, warm up side straddle hop, imperial storm troopers, forward arm...

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scrabble at distillery

the theme this morning was scrabble, yhc has a scrabble set with letters with exercise on back. happy to have these assembled hims, and the michael bolton referred to here was from down range, not the michael bolton of old from f3 winston salem...

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olympics at mayhem

We did olympics at mayhem on 7.31.2024. yhc can’t remember much about the workout except it was similar to olympics at mayhem a few years ago Start at a table, bring a rock, do exercises, then run a circuit or go to next table. 2 track...

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ultimate beatdown at IS

the ultimate beatdown took place at IS on 2024.09.22 yhc rolled up a little early, to the quick arrival of lamb chop, palin + yukon cornelius funny story on this one, a surprise substi q by yhc for booboobustamove so he could get to raleigh that...

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impossible situation

friday night end of another week around 9:30 it was mentioned the assigned q could not cover IS and was looking for a substi q. the site q mutton called for convergence at purgatory about 15 min later. yhc chimed in saying he could cover it if...

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Rough week, so little time to prepare and YHC put the workout together late the night before. No time even to make a new playlist so relied on an oldie but goody. Although there were a couple well deserved ‘where did you get this teeny...

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wib in the forest

A simple but effective WIB that looked like it was located in the forest, but was at Publix on robinhood rd, which does not show up in satellite photos yet. its a very fine parking lot. but in fact was shaped more like this Did the warmup, well...

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co substi q from behind bars

Impromptu Co Q, occurred on this morning at the VI. YHC arrived to a curiously empty parking lot given there was supposed to be a prerun at 5, etc. The Singing Cowboy wrote about 30-40 min prior to the workout to say the power was out and the...

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the pax did 8 reindeer and rocks the purpose of this backblast is just to catch one yhc missed and make sure to have published a backblast through wordpress for every yhc q. yhc recalls it was lots of fun

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born to walk

The pax assembled, after a preblast promising no running. Many of the pax in wefoco are off to run a race this weekend. All the pax who had not q’d were encouraged to go to q school with burns. Most of the site q’s attended IS for q...

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