The Hill To Somewhere

The Meadowlark Rd widening project has lasted longer than the construction of the Panama Canal.  With it finally complete along with the pathway/sidewalk/greenway that parallels it, YHC felt it was a reason to celebrate. 6 pax joined me –...

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Happy Birthday Parliament

YHC was honored once again to host the birthday party for Parliament.  After Goofy began TRQ sometime in late 2014, YHC liked the idea of a nonrunning beatdown but wasn’t crazy about driving to  Speas and back on a weekday morning.  Nantan...

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Rubber Ducky Has Big Blocks

I had answered the call from Rubber Ducky for a Q at The Iron Throne a spot that YHC rarely posts at and had never Qed.  No time like the present. Rubber Ducky had mentioned more than once his new blocks and their impenetrable locking system. ...

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No Rain Pivot

YHC checked the forecast and it looked like a cold rainy Saturday morning was forthcoming.  All good – Alcatraz has shelter.  YHC remembered a previous rainy Q where 3 man grinder devolved into a FUBAR and Rubber Ducky played with a hose in...

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It’s Dark at 6:30 PM Too

YHC had committed to Frostbite for a High Life Q some time ago.  Good intentions to post before the date but we all know where those lead.  With a little recon since the AO is near my office and a plan was devised. It was another warm but fully...

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Rain and a Truck

Much to Rubber Ducky’s delight the forecast for a day fit for ducks came true.  It was a day to test one of the core principles and also to invigorate some male community leadership.  4 pax had shown up early for the Murph, 2 of which...

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Happy Birthday Parliament

10 pax gathered for a celebration of the 9th birthday of Parliament.  YHC thought a westside, non running option would be good idea way back in the early days of F3 Winston-Salem.  Nantan at that time, Cobra encouraged me to get on the dance...

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Today is Not That Day

Van Gogh sent out a Q signal for Alcatraz to some of the double respects of the Dash to see if any would be willing to close out the year by being a Q who looked like the Father Time cartoon images of 2023.  While we were unable to convince Zima...

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Oldie but a Goodie

YHC has designated Harper Hill Commons on at least 2 other WIB occasions with roughly the same route.  It has always been a crowd pleaser with a good mix of hills to run up and down and just enough stops and exercises to get a full body workout. ...

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