Just Following Directions at IS

Warm up and Broga with 30 merkins of various sorts mixed in Mosey to Track;   3 Laps around track.  At each corner is a piece of cardboard with 4 exercises.  Always do 5 Burpees.  Start with 15 of the others, then 20 then 25 with each lap. Corner...

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IS on the Last Day of July

Stretch and warm up  30 Merkins interspersed throughout warm up Run up hill on sidewalk in front of the Y, Do 2 Mtn Climbers (DC) at each column. Mosey to Pocket Park: 10 Dips, Erkins, Derkins in cadence 20 Burpees. At each 5 Burpees add a Merkin...

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Conspiracy 7/28

Stretch and warm up  (3 sets of 10 Merkin interspersed throughout warmup and a few arm swirly things for CP) Mosey to Hanes Parks Entrance.   20 Burpees.  At each 5 Burpees add a Merkin to the Burpee  (20 burpees and 30 merkins) Mosey to track...

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Q at Iron Throne

Warm up and stretch Mosey to Playground (the long way) 1 pull up/1 Merkin, 2 pull ups/2 Merkins…5 Pull ups/5 Merkins After 5 run 1 lap.  At 1st corner: 25 Iron Mikes. 2nd corner 25 Squats, 3rd corner 25 WW2s, 4th corner 15 Burpees.    Pick up the...

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3 for Double Dutch

  SSH  x 50  Stretch Jump 2 min Mosey around tennis courts Jump 1 min Mosey around the tennis courts (repeat 2 more times) Wind Sprints on Tennis Courts:  At baseline 5 of each exercise (each time you come back to the baseline).  At 1st cone...

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Ascending to Descend at Flatline

A beautiful morning greeted 9 hearty Pax rearing to go at Flatline.  Imperial Storm Troopers, because how else you start off a workout on May 4?  Mosey to wall in parking lot.  OYO for a while:  SSH, Iron Mikes, Jump Squats, Groiners, Mike...

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Heading Downtown

Mosey to Saw Tooth 30 SSH Head to Cycle Bar: 30 Freddie Mercs in Cadence. 50 Various Squats To Mellow Mushroom 50 WWII Head Down 4th street: 5 Burpees at each Bar or Restaurant (At CVS pick up the Six) #twelvedoors! Head to Millennium Center...

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Working Hard in the Prison Yard

50 SSH and some Broga. Mosey around to the front of church taking the long route and then on to the second parking lot where there were five cones with a lot on distance between them. At each cone come back and pick up the 6 and them do burpees...

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