Burp Line Drills & A Pizza Box

Good ole Flatline. A top-knotch AO with some serious #PAX. YHC knew he had to bring it to keep everyone satisfied.  It was noted in the #Preblasts that many of the HCs (we had 4), were of men who may or may not have fartsacked on Monday, so the...

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Partner Assisted What?!

YHC had the keys this AM to #TheIronThrone.  YHC spent the weekend with some F3 guys doing stupid things in Black Mountain — like running up a mountain and back down, stumbling into a birthday party at a local pub (that we were most...

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4th Core Principle

Twas the day before #Parliament and YHC realized I was once again going against @Wobegon (Nantan Emeritus) and his Q at #Flatline. Last time this happened in the fall, we got into a #QMarketingWar tagging everyone and their brother trying to EH...

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Matter Daddy

YHC had the keys this AM to Workout-In-A-Bag aka #WIB.  I originally planned to have this at Ardmore Baptist but picturing the below in the damp climate scared me. We embraced the suck under the safety of the #PiedmontPlazaParkingDeck aka the...

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B is for Bananas

YHC grabbed the keys to #RNG and wanted to mix up the routes a bit. YHC initially looked at Leinbach Park (RIP) but couldn’t find a route that didn’t require going on Robinhood or Peacehaven. With safety first, YHC pivoted to Messiah...

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WTF Are We Doing

But actually – what are we doing? Alarm goes off at 0455. Temperature is 9 degrees. Is there not something, anything else we could be doing? YHC had the keys to #Conspiracy this lovely morn. After getting a reminder text about my duties...

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Frosty #HIMs

It was a lovely morning to venture westward to #TheDistillery — an AO I do not normally frequent. To be honest, I think this was only my 3rd time out that way. @Madoff put the EH on me a few months ago when he was filling out the Q Calendar...

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Special Guests at TRQ

@Green Acres sent out a call for a Q from the comfort of his couch as he is recovering from surgery. I kindly obliged and responded with an emphatic yes! Unfortunately, YHC responded before looking at the weather. YHC and Dadtan, @Starfish...

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Idiots at Village Idiocy

2 others joined me this AM on a ideal morning. Nothing like some mist in the air, 30 degree weather, and ice on the ground! YHC trekked west with a non-rain weinke and hoped for the best. Luckily, when I arrived, @Cruiser was there. @Inspector...

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Sharing Burdens at #UrbanAssault

My first Q of 2025 happened to be at one of the all time great #AOs and a personal favorite of mine. After a little bit of a respite over the holiday for all #PAX, YHC wanted to ensure a proper beatdown while also having underlying theme to the...

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