
13 PAX descended on the Estate on this beautiful Monday morning.  After Qing Purgatory on Saturday and hearing from offsides that hated me for that workout, I figured I would do it again with this different group of HIMs (all except Razzle Dazzle...

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One at a time

What a Saturday!  Seeing Van Gough and Mongoose on the Q at other sites I decided to lure the PAX with a promise to focus on one thing at a time.  18 pax showed up and were able to experience Purgatory today. 530 – warm o rama SSH x 15 IC...

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Keep it simple

On a beautiful crisp morning, YHC elected to create a WIB that was easy to follow.  So a pre blast was sent… a paved circle, stop at 2 sites for a leg exercise, an arm exercise, and an ab exercise.  How simple is that?!?! 10 PAX...

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Leg Day

YHC is recovering from a recent dislocated shoulder but when Zima calls for a Q, you have to say yes.  0527, my arm sling is on and Zima is wrapping my upper torso with an ace wrap.  Meanwhile the MC is on fire with mongoose and spam questioning...

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The Drag

The Drag QIC: Huckleberry Date: 09/27/2018 PAX: Palin, Rust Bucket, Root Canal, Whirly, VanGogh, Zima, TMN, Hedwig, Litterbox, Pita   11 pax posted to WIB for a promised “fun” workout.  Fun was had…..I think. Warm o rama...

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First Timer

YHC has never been to VI.  I seen the post workout photo and it is always a strong group of men.  After a late night message to Sassy (the site Q) about where they actually meet, I was ready to go.  All I had to do was throw some bricks in the...

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Noah’s Ark

On a cool, foggy Monday morning, 8 pax posted to the Outhouse to find out more about the “most famous boat of all time”.  As I exited the car, 7 of the pax had already gathered and were discussing which boat from history we could be...

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You vs You

6 PAX gathered at Calvary Baptist Church for a WIB this morning…. Warm-o-rama SSH, IW, Abe (oyo) The Pentagon – Run around the parking lot  in a pentagon shape stopping at each corner to perform an exercise. Exercises – the pax...

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3 F’s and a H

17 pax joined YHC for a one hour Saturday beatdown.  Mildly offended by the desire to RIRO, I tried to push the pax to adjust to a Run I Ride Out.   Warm – o – rama Mosey to the field SSH, IW, Abe OYO, MC Mosey to rock pile with...

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5 Pax gathered at the Dawgpound in hopes of finishing at 0730 and getting more Saturday – YHC was unable to deliver this simple request. Super excited about having an hour to work with, yhc remembered a workout that was done one year ago at...

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When asked to Q WIB for the first time, I envisioned a work-out that kept the PAX together.  This was going to be tough when you look at how fast some of the dash pax are.  knowing that all pax push themselves, I developed an idea.  As with all...

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Cheetah and the Snail

When I pulled into Leinbach park this morning, the parking lot was packed with eager PAX. Headlamps were already on and the stretching was complete.  I thought “wow, you post one picture of a lama and everyone wants to see what the workout will...

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