
YHC thought I had left the house in plenty of time to make it Speas, but forgot about the St Leo 5 and 10k that goes right in front of my house.  After successfully dodging a few runners and police barricades, I arrived with 30 seconds to spare...

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High LIfe

Sorry for the tardy post, but since I arrived at Miller Park on 2 wheels and a minute late, it is fitting this back blast is a little late too. Thankfully as I pulled up, Frostbite had taken the reigns and started warm-a-rama for me.  YHC had...

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Impossible Situation

Showing up at IS these days can cause a bit of apprehension.  Will anyone else be there?  If so, more that one?  Pleasantly, as I arrived, two Pax had beat me there and another showed just as we launched.  Hanes Park is a great host to any...

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High Life

YHC arrived a few minutes late due to a terrible accident on 40.  Thankfully, Frostbite was there to pick up my slack until I arrived.  There was a brief warm-a-rama before we left on our journey around Ardmore. My plan was to treat this chilly...

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What a great morning to gather at Reynolda Village for a combination of running and strength training.  YHC was pleased to arrive and to see Pollster, Zima and Crash waiting.  Not long after beginning warm-a-rama, CP arrived to make our group...

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7 Pax for a beautiful cool morning at Hanes Park.  4 Pax were there upon my arrival and soon thereafter an FNG showed up after being alerted by his brother from the Memphis, TN Pax.  Spicolli showed up on Spicolli time. As with most of my...

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Impossible Situation

This will be brief as I am traveling: IS started slowly with 3 Pax at the beginning and 5 Pax at the end.  In between, there was some work done. The Thang: Mosey CLOCKWISE (Sorry Spicoli) around the park. 1st stop for warm-a-rama was the small...

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High Life

Around 3pm, while driving back form a meeting, my car thermometer read 103 degrees.   I immediately thought, “Tonight is going to suck.”  I also thought, I need to make this more user friendly so the Pax can go at it’s own...

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WIB was fairly simple this morning.  4 pain stations with about 100-125 yards of running between each station.  Each pain station required 20 reps of an upper body exercise, 20 reps of an Ab exercise and 20 of a lower body.  I was hoping to get...

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Upon arriving just before 5:30, YHC was pleased to see 6 Pax already waiting,  By the time we started, Spicolli had arrived earlier than usual,  After reciting the mission statement and 5 core principals, we immediately left the lower lot for...

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Miller Time – High Life

3 Pax braved my virgin Q at the High Life yesterday at Miller Park.  The rain had stopped and while it was humid, YHC was surprised to see only 3 Pax waiting on my arrival.  This is a great AO and great chance to meet new Pax who find morning...

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Despite GPS and a general idea of where I was going, YHC still managed to hit the Purgatory parking lot on 2 wheels about a minute late.  Fortunately, the Pax was patient as 6 early risers were there to great me.  Our numbers grew during...

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