Flatline from Hell

10 Pax arrived to help me celebrate 57 laps around the sun and to enjoy a fast paced typical Flatline work out.  After joining F3 in Charlotte and watching it grow since Day 1 in Winston-Salem, I am always humbled by the quality of the men in our...

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Impossible Situation

17 Pax celebrated New Year’s Eve a few hours early this Saturday morning.  It was a pleasure to see so many Pax from different AO’s converge at the Mothership.  It was a beautiful morning for fellowship and fitness! The Pax, including...

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After running in 65 degree weather on Monday, Wednesday’s cool air just right for a solid Conspiracy beatdown.  6 paxs showed up and we began with a slow mosey around the Y back to the base of the Intimidator for a brief warm-a-rama. It was...

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4 Pax showed bright and early for a downtown beat down.  It went something like this: No warm-a-rama so we headed straight for the ball park.  On the way, we stopped at the rock pile at the bottom of the hill. 2 sets of 10 (double count) of the...

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6 brave Pax enjoyed a comfortable 50 degree morning beatdown! The Thang: Slow mosey clockwise around HP to the corner of Hawthorne and Glade St Typical warm-a-rama Continue clockwise to RJR gym where we cut back to the track and made our way to...

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OGs and Tractors

15 strong including FNG Squeegee who finally got off the toilet long enough to join Doublewide for a run. Great job by all on a very humid morning with no wind.  Special prayers for Undertow overcoming Covid and MRSA.

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OGs Tractors

One more try OGs and Tractors for this Friday. OG’s turnaround at Reynolda House     Don’t blame me, I only work here OG’s route https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5091052441 Tractors...

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4 brave souls for a sultry WIB work out at the Thruway Shopping Center.  YHC was a little disappointed with the numbers, but happy to see the 4 who showed.  Paging Cherry Pie, Drip, Off Sides, Palin…where was everyone? Anyway, the workout...

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The day started with YHC pulling in on 2 wheels, late for his VQ at The Rock Quarry.  Fortunately, the PAX had circled up and had yet to choose a substi-Q for the morning.  We quickly proclaimed the F3 creed and began warm-a-rama with SSH...

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It was a dark and stormy night….So we Omaha’d to the parking deck across from Publix. 7 Pax stayed dry from the rain, but worked up a good sweat hustling up and down the deck. It was really a simple work out.  After a few minutes of...

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Impossiblele Situation

Upon driving into the Hames Park lot, YHC immediately noticed the dearth of vehicles.  Lambchop, aka nephew, was the only member of the PAX present.  We immediately conspired for a more abbreviated workout.  Alas our plans were dashed when 5...

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A total of 5 PAX ignored the cold and fart sacking for a very basic, but high energy, traditional WIB work out. YHC pulled in on 2 wheels with seconds to spare, but we managed to start a brief warm-a-rama right on time while I explained the...

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