
YHC made the trip to Parliament for not only my VQ at Parliament, but my first ever visit to this AO.  It was great to meet Adobe, 60 minutes and Cruiser for the first time and also see Harden, Schneider and Sour Mash for the first time in a long...

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Impossible Situation

5 Pax enjoyed a lap around Hanes Park and it went something like this: YHC likes to start with a short mosey to get the blood flowing before warm-a-rama so we started our trip around the park moving clockwise and stopping at the benches near the...

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Impossible Situation

8 Pax gathered on a very humid morning for a tortuous beatdown. We started with a slow mosey around the Y to loosen up and finished at the main gate to Hanes Park for some warmara. Since I am in a rush, it was your typical warm-a-rama + 10...

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The weather was kind as 5 Pax gathered outside the Piedmont Plaza parking deck.  YHC chose that AO for fear of a raging downpour.  As the sun began to rise, a quick Omaha was called and we moseyed across the street to Publix for the planned...

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As I pulled into the HP parking lot, I was very pleased to see The Vig and Mongoose.  It had been a long time since I had seen them on a Wednesday at Hanes Park and I did not want to disappoint them or the rest of the Pax with a less than stellar...

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6 Pax showed up for a fast moving Flatline beatdown.  72 degrees and 90% humidity made for a particularly sultry morning as we left the parking lot sharply at 5:30 with NO warm up per Flatline rules. Our first adventure was to head to down 1st...

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Impossible Situation

11 two legged Pax and 1 four legged took the IS challenge for a directionally challenged workout.  After reciting the F3 creed, the 9 Pax proceeded clockwise around Hanes Park.  Quickly, we passed a tardy Cherry Pie who promised to catch up...

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Urban Assault

6 made it to Urban Assault for a perpetual motion beatdown. The Thang: I always like to start with a slow mosey so we headed up 4th street for 3 blocks.  Not a great way to start with a steep climb, but it kept the mumble chatter to a minimum! At...

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Run and Gun

Without further delay, a belated post for Run and Gun and belated birthday wishes for Winklevoss.  Happy 46th!! 14 pax gathered on a beautiful morning to run.  Whittaker Elementary was the launching spot for a familiar route around Buena Vista. ...

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The poor souls who showed for Conspiracy this morning had no idea of what they were in for.  Razzie arrived late and I am sure wished he had kept on driving.  After a quick warm up run to corner by the Y, the Pax reconvened at the base of the...

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8 Gathered for WIB yesterday for a little fun running and gunning.  Cagney’s on Cloverdale was the spot and Miller Street provided the first leg of our journey. YHC wanted to have some mileage thinking Friday may be a day of rest.  How...

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