Redline Rules Again

25 Degrees is nothing to the Redline crowd. We warmed up up Clover then did Mile repeats with 400 Moseys to rest. 2022 is off to a great start ! Please remember Beverly’s  44 mile RUN FOR HOPE on 1/15 at Kimberly Park. join him for all 44...

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Perfectly  designed 6.2 miles and 4.2 miles , cool temperatures and special hills designed especially for tractors was a great way to start our Friday. ***************************** Ardmore run against hunger 10/16 5k 10k or both . Wamo and his...

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11 posted for the first day of June ! Warmup : 1 lap around Hanes park Track ( Q had no heart for hills ) Run hard 400 mosey 400 ( no walking), 800 mosey 400, 1200 mosey 400, 1600 mosey 400. Start over with 400. Cool weather, flat track pushed us...

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Redline (Wet and Cold)

Perfect weather for Redline. It was raining, it was cold, it was Redline. I continue to be amazed that men post when the weather is so crappy. Promise them a horrible workout and they will come (unless it involves burpees and bricks). The Thang...

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Always thankful that we actually have Pax members who are willing to post early to validate that the Q used Mapmyrun correctly. As it turns out, HOG and Greenspan found that I was short .3 miles or so. After asking them to run it again just to be...

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OG Tractor Burlap style

Thank God for Burlap. I wanted to make sure the pax had to climb Thurmond street but I really didn’t want to do it myself. So I created the route and did not post ! The best of both worlds . Thanks to Burlap for quickly helping a friend out and...

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Run&Gun and fancy tunes

13 posted Run 3.41 miles. I sent a map out , some complained , all ran, one ran twice. Glazer ran from far to make the AO selected. Impressive Great turn out , lots a familiar faces … very nice to see everyone. Gun I had the music, the...

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2020 has Redlined

Last Redline of 2020 … and it was down to business at 0529. One lap around Hanes , up and down Pilot view, Brookstown and Clover then to the tracks for 800 and 400s. I got 4.75 miles …most got more ! Booboo joined us with his canine...

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6 posted The preblast was sent exclusively through Slack, as I attempt to wean myself from Twitter; some may have missed it ! A foggy morning led the hard core Redliners to some off track work We, of course, warmed up by running to Runnymede then...

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Boring Redline

9 Focused on track work. Warmup lap around the YMCA To the track: Run 1200, walk 200 , repeato Run 800, walk 200, repeato Run 400, walk 300, repeato until 0615 No one got hurt, many sprinted most did not complain (too much), some missed the...

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Red Line – BIG race prep

The big one is coming so much training is needed… 12 posted on this cold fall day ! Broke Pilot view up in two. Sprint up to Jersey , rest for 20 sec, sprint up to the top (Summit), mosey on down. Repeto 4X To the track cause we felt the...

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Resisting WIB

Location : Reynolda Village. Loop beneath the barn. .24 miles, 2 pain stations 15 Merkins, 20 LBCs 15 Squats, 20 Lowflutters Ladder up by +5 until you get to 30, 35 then ladder back down. Was really glad that Cherrie Pie and Little Piggy showed...

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