Redline HHH

7 took on the Heat, the Humidity and the  Hills. We warmed up. We manage to run up and down Clover street too many times, stopping at each stop signs for 10 squats. Then to the track for 200,400,800,400,200. Nice to see everyone who posted. My...

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Bells & Whistles Amateur hour

13 joined a master for a Tabata filled experience. 45 minutes of well planned, exquisitely executed and superbly selected from an F3 collective wisdom acquired through a half a decade of F3 workouts was offered. The pax was respectful and quiet...

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Resistor’s Rainy Redline

9 posted for a rainy Thursday. It has rained just about every Thursday since Redline was invented, today was no exception. we warmed up by warming up and then … 200 mosey, 200 run as freaking fast as you can repeat 4 times 200 mosey, 400...

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9 Pax posted in the rain for interval training. Back from a work induced absence, I was back in front of 8 mean, lean running machines eager to start. Rain was not an issue due to the excessive  speed of the runs ( a well documented phenomena...

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Back to Basics -WIB-

Been a long time since I Qed. It was cold ! We ran in a loop and stopped 4 times . We did 6 Merkins, 6 USA hammers, 6 burpees, 6 squats. Each lap we multiplied by 2 … so 12 merkins, 12 US hammer etc.  Next was 18s then 12s the 6s back to...

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Burpee WIB fest

Cherry Pie, Thistle, Burlap, Lysol 1 lap around the shopping center, 4 cones, 45 minutes, rain, humidity what more do you need to make this a miserable beat down ? Burpees ! Run and stop at each cone and do 10 burpees, next lap do 10 WW2 , 10...

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Run & Gun “Broke Nothing”

12 launched for Run&Gun, 13 finished (?) PR were shattered Saturday and Sunday was a rest day but the urge to run was too strong so many posted for R&G. The Fastholes joined the Slowpokes and others to run 5k and do some manly exercises...

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Planking at B&W

Manly exercises, lighting fast runs & 1 min planking That is one in shape group; just about killed the Q!  I tried to be original by adding the 1 minute of planking after each run. I think it worked. I sensed a little consternation when the Q...

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WIB at Hanes park is  pretty cool. We ran , we did lots of neat masculin exercises, ran again and yes we did a boatload of Burpees. There was no music. After what we did to Tuco, I was too darn insecure to open myself up to that kind of merciless...

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