To the Idiots go the Headbands

YHC was on deck to Q the first separatist workout in F3 Winston history.  Low and behold, the guy that made that happen (and so many other things for our region and beyond), @Starfish, was in attendance, along with the Site Q, @Sea-man, and...

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Workout in a Box or a Bag

WIB!  Great concept.  Simple, repeatable instructions, often done at one’s pace. Frostbite is first to arrive and after me, the rest assemble. YHC welcomes everyone to WIB: Workout in a Box.  @Turnover and @Huckleberry both correct me...

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I’m not your Huckleberry at IS

The Iron Horse we call @Huckleberry had to bow out of his Q responsibility for #ImpossibleSituation to attend a special Furry Convention.  No one could blame him but with no volunteers (assuming many other PAX were attending the same convention)...

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Late breaking news at IS

YHC and my 2.0, #ChitChat, Co-Q’ed the original mothership #ImpossibleSituation.  About 2 minutes out from the AO, YHC had a “shift” in his circumstances.  Late breaking news, if you will.  Concerned but determined, we soldiered...

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