
It only took just under 7 years, but YHC finally notched my AO VQ at the esteemed, premier non-running Tuesday AO, #Parliament. To be honest, I was a little nervous, but an attempt was made to provide a proper beatdown that did not include...

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The Mile High Club

Ideal weather and ideal company was on the docket for #UA this morning. YHC was COOKED from Week 2 of IPC the day prior, so there was no telling what was going to happen. Check it out. 0529:30 – YHC and @Schlitz roll in from our EC run...

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Tools and Nature

An absolutely beautiful Winston Salem morning saw 7 knuckleheads try their darndest to get 1% better in the greater Sherwood Elementary area. Are you curious what that might have looked and sounded like? Would you be interested in a play-by-play...

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Arrivals and Departures

The #BnW regulars always set a high bar for not only a quality beatdown, but excellent musical accompaniment. When @Atrophy reached out to YHC about Q’ing at this prestigious AO, I knew the pressure was on. Inclusivity was at the forefront...

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Failing to Plan…

The morning got off to a rocky start when YHC overslept and showed up late for the EC run w/ @Burns. We still managed to get in one mile and picked up @Zima, who RIRO’d, toward the end of the EC. The PAX descend onto Jamison Park and we get...

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Liquid Death and Fitness

10 PAX defeated the #FartSack last Wednesday at #Conspiracy. Let’s see what went down. As we gathered for Warm O Rama, there were several of Winston’s finest from WSFD assembled in the same lot about to get after it with their own PT...

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A Whole Mess of Burpees

Today was YHC’s first Q in a while. I was eager to deliver a beatdown that would challenge those who decided to attend. Let’s check it out: 0529:15: 5 PAX have already assembled, awaiting YHC to exit his vehicle 0529:30: YHC exits the...

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TRQ Switcheroo

Thanks to a big assist from @Greenspan, YHC was able to switch Q’s for the prestigious #TRQ and found himself with the keys this fine morning. The weather was perfect and the assembled PAX were hungry for a solid beatdown, so away we went...

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Late but Dry. Mostly.

After a wild 2 weeks away from The Dash, YHC was finally back home and ready to knock off the rust that had accrued over weeks of passport catastrophes, international travel, and spring break trips with small children. The realization that I had...

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Keep It Simple Stupid

YHC was excited get back out to one of my favorite AO’s to Q a hopefully challenging albeit simple beatdown. The previous day’s weather and the uncertainty of cinderblock inventory were factors in my planning. A couple variations of...

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