Alcatraz Pre-Blast

WARMUP.     YTD   BEATDOWN.   Disclaimer: SPEED IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!  Let me repeat, SPEED IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.   Setup: 4 Cell Blocks plus a bonus Solitary Confinement area.  1 exercise at each Cell Block.   Cell Block A...

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Broken Rules and Frisbee Golf

SuperMax Warm up: SSH, Steve Earl, Abe Vagoda, Whirly W/Clap, Arm Swirly F hold,B hold, Overhead Clap hold, Seal Clap, Standing Hamstring Stretch L over R, R over L for a 10 count, on our 6 for a groin stretch. The Thang: mosey- 1 lap around the...

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15 Day Duration at Alcatraz

We gathered like a bunch of fresh blood off the bus from the holding cells at the courthouse.  This bunch of juveniles did not know what they had in store during our Scare Them Straight Program, where we try to give troubled individuals a taste...

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Stupid SuperMaxx

Was not sure what to expect when the temp was below 30 degrees, but 7 brave PAX came out to see what shenanigans I had in store for them.  Right around 5:29 is when YHC found out from Van Gogh that the weinke for this AO is supposed to be small...

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Tabata Pain Stations

Warmorama SSH Imperial storm trooper Arm swirlys F & B Ab Vagota Whirly w/clap Mosey to pick up block Tabata Pain Stations 45 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest. Each pain station has 3 exercises to work thru before transitioning to...

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Super Late Flip Flockee Post

6 Pax started this fine frigid morning with 50 SSH ic. The next step was acquire a coupon with a journey of a thousand arm swirly things. After coupon acquisition, PAX returned to parking lot with coupon raised above head. Upon return, PAX...

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Foo to the Frozen tundra

YHC has not had to write a BackBlast in over a year, due to certain F3 chapters that will not be named that refuse to make backblasts. Woke up this morning to a frozen tundra, which could have been a winter wonderland could have come up with some...

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Sexual Chocolate Lockdown

  For the second week of Alcatraz bootcamp, it just so happened to align with a surprise release of 2021 Secular Chocolate from Foothills! It’s an honored tradition of YHCs to lead a themed beatdown in the beers honor when it’s released. It...

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The Warden Opens Alcatraz…

YHC thought it would be cool to work in some factual information to our inaugural beatdowns. In a bit of divine intervention, YHC discovered Alcatraz was closed on 3/21/63, being a math nerd the fact that 3 x 21=63 was too perfect to ignore. Oh...

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