Toughest Mile

It was a muggy morning on the 20th of July in the year of our Lord 2024.  I slept harder than I can remember from going to bed early the night before.   I knew this one was going to be a doozy.  I have been flirting with the idea of the “Toughest...

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Prison Workout

Warmoroma Side straddle hop Abe Vigoda Whirly with a clap   The Work Mosey to the ticket counter.  All pax purchased a ticket to the main event. Teams of two (2).  PAX 1 farmer carries both blocks as long and a fast as his forearms will...

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Well….Needless to say; it’s been a week. My wife, daughters and dogs were all out of town. Coming home from work to a dark, quiet, empty house…..You PAX have no idea how much it meant all week to show up in the mornings and you...

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Not a good one after the Murph

What a morning and what a turn out! For the Murph and the Beatdown. Always good to see so many pax posting. So cheers to it!   I had no idea what the Murph was even though I could have googled it. I did not. Matter fact-I wrote the stupid...

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Why 11 Matters

All was revealed this fine Saturday to the intrepid PAX. 11 is my M’s birthday and I REALLY like her. A LOT. So after the time wasting of warm ups we slow moseyed to the coupons and grabbed one for.. THE THANG: We met in 1981, so 81 squats...

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the Beatdizzle

When I pulled up into the parking lot, I thought the start time had been moved and I had missed the workout! There were a TON of cars at Alcatraz. Apparently everyone wanted to do a Murph this morning. Any who chose to double down this morning, I...

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Rain and a Truck

Much to Rubber Ducky’s delight the forecast for a day fit for ducks came true.  It was a day to test one of the core principles and also to invigorate some male community leadership.  4 pax had shown up early for the Murph, 2 of which...

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born to walk

The pax assembled, after a preblast promising no running. Many of the pax in wefoco are off to run a race this weekend. All the pax who had not q’d were encouraged to go to q school with burns. Most of the site q’s attended IS for q...

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Hanging Out at Alcatraz

Warm-O-Rama Seal Clap Air Clap CH Squat Imp. Storm Walker CH Squat CH Merkin CH Carolina Dry Dock CH Squat Peter Parker CH Squat Reverse Lunge CH Squat Pendulum Lunge CH Squat CH Derricks CH Squat And a few Side Straddle Hops Mosey to the Bars...

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Die or Die

Remember that video game Skate or Die? I was inspired by my big 3 dice to bring a workout to Alcatraz that I did at Mayhem. So instead of Skating and such, how about Die or Die with 3 dice? It was the perfect pun. Warm-O-Rama Mission Statement /...

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