A Trip Down F3 Memory Lane

Well…since I am super late to posting this, I’m gonna make it short (er ) and sweet. It was a chilly morning..hah, who are we kidding. It doesn’t get chilly in NC until at least February. This day was going to be fun; we were...

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A trip down memory lane

Hey, let’s Q at the first AO I visited in Dash-Strong.  My second will be this Tuesday at Parliament, if you’re interested.  So, all the Murph guys left except Van Gogh.  Probably smart. Mission Statement, 5 Core Principles...

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THORs Kitchen Sink REVENGE

After the embarrassing event that happened earlier in the week ( a certain Q, who shall remain nameless, was late to his own Q ), YHC had to redeem himself. And wouldn’t you know it, he totally did…arriving a whole three minutes...

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I can see Lewisville from Here

A hearty PAX of 9 met early for a very stolen Q. New to us, a hale and hearty Hornet from Raleigh joined us for the festivities and fit right in. A bit of a history man, he and Ziggy made acquaintances and discussed the controversial views of...

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Yelp Review of Mutton HVAC, LLC

WARMUP.   Does it matter?   BEATDOWN. For each round, run to different points in the parking lot and do the prescribed exercises.   Round 1: Hillbillies x5, Hand Release Clap Merkins x10, Knee-to-Ground Iron Mikes x15, Hand Release...

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Tabatas at Alcatraz

I was thankful for a short time Saturday we actually got some relief from the heat and humidity and it turned out to be a pleasant cool morning.   We had 8 for Supermax including FNG Rocky who is a friend of Bullwinkle.  Rocky and Bullwinkle, we...

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Addition By Subtraction

Warm-o-Rama with all the favorites. Mosey to the blocks and grab one, circle up. Time for some addition and subtraction. 5 curls 10 LBCs 15 Overhead Press 20 Penguin Crunch 5 skull crushers 10 heels to heaven 15 bent rows 20 Freddy Mercurys Mosey...

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A Birthday Block PARTY

What a better way to ring in a birthday than at my favorite place on Saturday morning surrounded by close friends? Sounds like a great time, just hanging out, relaxing, being kind unto one another. Surely, this workout would be light and easy...

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