Looked Good on Cardboard

An unsuspecting PAX assembled at the AO, unaware of the @Zima beatdown that awaited them. After a mostly stretchy stretchy warmorama, we moseyed and brought coupons to the parking lot. Once an eclectic tune selection began, the cardboard beatdown...

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Getting Spartan Ready

Super Max warmup was stretching out backs, getting blood to our arms, stretching our feet and calfs and everyone favorite side straddle hope. We went for a short mossy to get 2 cinder block to carry around rest of the morning. We carried the...

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Bring on the Merlot

After a brutal SuperMax, the dust began to settle and it looked like YHC would only have 1 PAX that was up to the challenge for the double down. @Zima clearly stated that he had planned NOT to double down, but for some reason or another, had a...

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Choose your own Super Max!

For the 4th of July Weekend, with many PAX traveling, and all Saturday AOs converging the choice was made to carry the SuperMax torch to the Mothership. The 6 o’clock beatdown has proven useful for some PAX who cannot attend the 7 o’clock, as...

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Block Carry VQ

Warm-O-Rama: 15 SSHs, 15 Imperial Walker, 4 Abe Vigoda, 10 Michael Phelps, mosey around back to find our cinder blocks. The Thang: We started off with 10 squats holding our cinder block, then we did an overhead block carry about 100 yards to...

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Fibonacci Sequence at Alcatraz

Warm-O-Rama: SSHs, Abe Vigoda, Arm swirlie things, Michael Phelps, Seal Claps, Toy Soldier, Imperial Walker, Overhead claps. The Thang: Mosey to playground parking lot. Start with WW2 then run to other side of lot and do Merkins. In reps of 1, 1...

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Supermax to Alcatraz

For SuperMax Fender, Crash, Van Gogh, Zima, Footclan and YHC all got to have the opportunity strain for a spartan race. We all did a short run about 0.5 miles to find some two cinder blocks (CBs) to carry them around rest of the morning. After...

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Supermaxx 6.5

Over 1 week late getting this one posted, sorry folks. Pre-convergence we 8 gathered for SuperMaxx.  YHC led us in a brief warmorama, then we headed to the bottom of the main parking lot. Start with 5 merkins at the bottom, run to the top and do...

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