Conspiracy 7/10/19

Great day for a workout near to my home. I thought I was getting there early only to find two others beat me there, guess I wasn’t the only one excited. As the crowd gathered, the clock struck half past five and we were off with: WoR: SSH...

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Celebration Pain Stations

It is amazing to have your first two Q’s fall on important dates in your life, but that happened for me. Saturday at my VQ, we celebrated my Dad’s birthday and today is my wife’s birthday. What a better way to celebrate my...

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Inspired By an Economist

Inspired by Greenspan’s invigorated Flatline beatdown from the day before, Cherry Pie planned a non-stop, no 10-count, no let-up 45 minute stream of continuous fun. No surprise…the PAX showed up & took it all in stride.  It went something...

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Sorry for the belated Conspiracy post.  8 hearty Pax showed up for a beautiful morning at Hanes Park.  Not a bad crowd considering it’s the middle of Spring Break for many of us. Warm-a-Rama YHC always like to to start off with a warm up...

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Taking Flight

YHC was stepping in early for @Mutton, who needed a substi-Q and will now be Qing in mid April. Had been toying with a few things, but went back to play off of a similar style workout from the Sexual Chocolate one led back in January. Really...

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A commemoration of sorts

Five years ago on January 28, 2014, a PAX from CLT named Snowflake was on the schedule to Q the first mid-week workout for F3WinstonSalem as he was going to be in town on business. But Mother Nature dumped some snow and ice on our beloved city...

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