3 ways to go up and down

PAX: Manscape, Cheesesteak, Razzie, Glazer, Drip, Vanpelt, Cheerio, Gelding, TSA, Swiss Miss, Snookie, Juice Box, Chisel(Q) Staring thinking about what we should do Monday AM after Snookie’s tough leg workout, and for a while all I could come up...

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18 Strong Pax got a tour of Hames Park and Reynolds High School this morning.  We started with a slow mosey around the track before taking the path under Northwest Blvd to the RJR panic area for warm-a-rama. For our warm up we did the following...

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Slow it Down Lamar

I find it amazing if not scary that I can barely remember what happens during my Q –  I usually type up a plan and try to follow but inevitably improvise and while I usually remember where we kept to script, I can recall very little of what...

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How to B.O.M.B. your Q

Pax:  Gelding (WB), TSA, Jar Jar, Chisel, Van Pelt, Myagi, Blue Steel,  Roosevelt, Fokker,  Skinny Glazer, Swiss Miss, Bebo, Manscape (WD), Cheese Steak, Hazer, Toto, Lysol, The Vig (QIC)   Ingredients to design a simple beat down. Handful...

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