Learning to Count to 5

I learned yesterday, while texting with Burns, that I had the Q this morning, despite the fact that I told Burns I was going to sleep in and stay dry…Guess Bevo had different plans for me. So I scrambled and came up with the idea of...

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Nice and Easy Flatline

Warmarama: Mosey to parking garage, started up some classic rock tunes for motivation and got right to business with 25 hand release burp-ups. It appeared everyone was nice and warmed up after this so we skipped the arm swirly things today...

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Abs and Merkins

YHC bad planning meant the Pax had to endure a low cardio high strength workout at Flatline, which may be an oxymoron. When the Q has a race and doesn’t want to run a lot, the Pax did a lot of Merkins and Abs in the Parking Deck The Thang Circle...

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VQ Flatline

It was my VQ for Flatline and I knew warmorama was not allowed so I was sure to show up early for some solo stretching. As all the cars rolled in with Bevo getting out of his car JIT, YHC recited F3s mission and core principles both for practice...

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Parking Garage FOMO

WOW!  Just wow!  I was not expecting 17 other PAX to show up this morning.  I stand before you, a humbled Q.  Those are Bells N Whistles or Purgatory type numbers, not downtown beatdown numbers.  The ‘burbs must have been cleared out this morning...

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Leg’s for days!

Amazing morning with me showing up to an AO in a heavy rain storm.  And it helps to have a dry place to workout in! We all gathered in the dreaded parking garage and listened to the Q give the mission statement and then we got right to work. The...

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Helter Skelter

YHC regrets that the Flat and Red Lines occur on the same day as they are 2 of YHC’s 3 favorite workouts (although the Iron Throne is gaining ground quickly).  With that being said, YHC was excited to see a large crowd gathered in the 1st Pres...

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Just chipping away

12 pax gathered for a Huckleberry Flatline Q this morning. Burns has organized a year long rep challenge for the Dashpax – while he blames the Hickory pax, he brought it to the dash.  Greenspan Q’d a killer Iron Throne workout...

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Flatline 12/29/20

Flatline 12/29/20 Cheesesteak, Lamb Chop, Mutton, Toot Canal, Palin At 05:30:00 we set off for the NW corner of the parking lot for SSH, then to the SW corner for Toy Soldiers, then to the SE for CH squats and ended at the NE for CH Merkins. Had...

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22 is two 11s!

What a better way to workout at Flatline than with 22s!   Warm-o-rama Mission statement  Core Principles    The Thang Mosey to square 22s 2 Mike Tysons 20 Burpees Mosey to Deck 22s 2 squat Jumps 20 Pull ups Omaha to Squat Jumps after 12...

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