Don’t be Alarmed

Given the heavy rain overnight and forecast for rain, all I had was a rain plan and we stuck with it even though there was only a light mist. We moseyed to the parking deck on Cherry Street and ran up the stairs to the top of the parking deck...

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Tambland B.R.I.C.K. Work

Title: Tambland B.R.I.C.K. Work AO: Flatline Date – 02/20/2018 PAX – Root Canal (WD), Mutton, Toe Tag, TPS, Roosevelt, Pita, Zima, Van Gogh, Hedwig, Sleeper, Litterbox (WB) YHC recently rewatched the Great American Classic movie...

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Speed Dating at Flatline

YHC had not had the pleasure of attending Flatline thus far and was actually quite content with that decision (#ingoranceisbliss). However, as a good site Q does, Hedwig conscripted me into service and directed me to go forth and #Lead. So here...

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YHC was happy to oblige Hedwig and Q Flatline for the first time in a long time.  In anticipation of rain, a plan for the parking deck was made.  The rain never came, but pain was felt undercover. The Thang: Quick mosey around the block to the...

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Boos and Booze

Lend me your ear, my good man, and come closer as I recount you a tale of the events that preceded the dawn hours on the most haunted of days.  Twas a chilly Hallows Eve morn, as I recall, but that slight nip in the air did not disturb the...

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A Ghostly Beatdown

Intro 13 ghouls joined YHC for a beatdown on the gloomy morning of All Hallow’s Eve.      Warm-o-rama. None. Not allowed to do warm up at Flatline.   Beatdown   The PAX Zombie Walked to the Stranger’s Graveyard at Bethabara and...

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Hunting Owl at Flatline

6 PAX Flatlined this morning.  When presented with the opportunity to substitQ today, YHC beamed at the possible opportunities.  YHC deemed that hill repeats were in order, so the PAX set off to run the Dash Stadium hill and to do repeats up 1st...

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