All the Who’s Down in Whoville

PAX: Bevo, Lamb Chop, Spicoli, Zima, Frost Bite(WB), Dr. Toot(WD,Q) Twas a misty, cool morn as I arrived two minutes late, when my wandering eyes did spy a PAX that was not going to settle as they moseyed the parking area. After apologies for the...

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Just the tip

A hearty crew of 13 old-timers, and Frost bite, gabbed through a rigorous shoulder heavy and core focused workout. It was suggested to bear crawl to ‘just the tip’ of the parking spaces, innuendoed discussion ensued. Much stalling was attempted...

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10 PAX gathered in the parking lot downtown during a lunar eclipse for a Flatline.  The simple wink of the eye preblast was all it took to scare off a few pax and intrigue others.  To ensure Beverly would be proud, this workout had no warm o...

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Three moderately chilly pax started out with basic warm up. 20 count side straddle hop, 10 Abe da goda (spellcheck) and 10 Worley got the clap. Started out with a short run down 2nd street to I can’t remember the parks name. All pax in plank...

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Sourdough Bros

YHC and M have become self dubbed amateur sourdough bread bakers. YHC noted that he was slated to Q Flatline this week whilst preparing such a dough of sour with his M. Thus, inspiration swept upon him like an army of wild yeast rising atop a...

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4 Pax showed bright and early for a downtown beat down.  It went something like this: No warm-a-rama so we headed straight for the ball park.  On the way, we stopped at the rock pile at the bottom of the hill. 2 sets of 10 (double count) of the...

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Curb Crawls

Warmrama: Four corners while we waited for Spicoli.  Seal Claps, Bonnie Blairs, SSHs, Apollo Onos.  Spicoli didn’t show so it was time to go. The Thang: Quick mosey east on 3rd Street, south on Town Run, east on 1st Street to Salem Avenue. Mike...

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