Fatherly Advice

Mere days before the impending birth of my daughter, and APB was put out to gather the PAX for one last Lamb Chop Q where he could bring the pain, and the PAX could bring the fatherly advice. The Q actually had no plan in mind this chilly...

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Impossible Situation

17 Pax celebrated New Year’s Eve a few hours early this Saturday morning.  It was a pleasure to see so many Pax from different AO’s converge at the Mothership.  It was a beautiful morning for fellowship and fitness! The Pax, including...

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Bitter Cold Convergence

Christmas Eve brought us the coldest workout YHC has ever posted in. 6 degrees at 6am, and 7 degrees at 7 am. Warming up to 8 degrees at 8am… thankfully, Bullwinkle offered to open up the ROCC coffee bar for us after the beat down, which was...

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Impossible Situation is Not Dead

A small, but elite force traveled to the West End to battle the army of the darkness, commanded by our old friend, the Grim Reaper.  This workout was created by Cobra, stolen by Mongoose, bastardized and then self-plagiarized by Thistle, and...

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Shall We Ditch?

After turning down @Mutton a few times prior, I decided to take the keys for #IS.  At the time, I did not know I was competing with Shmedfest nor @Mongoose showing his ballsack to all of #Purgatory… No wonder only 3 PAX showed up.  I mean...

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Lolli-gaggers – Part Deux

There was once an occasion, which Spicoli will recall, when the Q (yhc) was unable to light a fire and coax the pax into FULL beatdown mode.  Amongst the pax that day were a number of world champion gum-smackers and the mumble chatter reached a...

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Respects or more on a Hill

YHC was a bit worried when the top of the hour was approaching and only YHC was there, then Ziggy arrived, we discussed an early coffeeteria and then Rustbucket arrived. So 3 seemed good to proceed, although Rustbucket thought well of the...

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Celebrate OLD things!

What a good morning at IS!  Nice weather, great bunch of HIM’s, celebrating our oldest AO with the oldest active member of DashPax. We warmed up with SSH, ImpWalkers, squats, AV, Whirlies, Y-flies, Mike Phelps. Then over to the tennis spectator...

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