Finish What You Started

PAX: Zima, Huckleberry, Crash, McHale, Van Gogh, Wobegon, Tigger, Dr. Toot (Q), Rust Bucket, Green Acres(WD), Michael Bolton(WB), Workbench, Turnover An early arriving crowd was present as the brief drizzle passed us by as the gloom was ready to...

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Better with Friends!

What a beautiful morning!  Seemed like a good idea to share my usual sad clown Wednesday workout with my F3 Iron Throne buds. Finished planning the workout during my slow mosey to Sherwood.  No phone or watch but arrived early and was solo for a...

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This workout was the TITs

On Sunday morning my phone calendar reminded me of my Q duty at Iron Throne that was dolled out to me about 3 months ago (before the site even started). Luckily, I lived right beside the site Q to confirm this appointment – it was true...

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Billy Madison

Warm-up SSHx20 IC Imperial STx12 IC Abe Vigota-x6 IC Whirly w/ Clapx10 IC Arm Swirly Forward, Bakwards, Overhead clap x10 IC Mosey To Playground The Thang- Billy Madison Begin with Run around the loop Followed by first exercise with 12 reps Then...

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Just Another Manic Monday

The Q does not normally post on a Monday. In fact, the only other Monday he has ever done was last year for his birthday because Zima threatened him if he didn’t show up on his birthday. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to this...

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The Phoenix round 2

7 Brave pax (4 returns and 3 new) posted to a cold, rainy, wet round 2 of Huckleberry’s Phoenix to see if they could improve on their previous attempt or set a bar for round 3 next month. YHC did not care about the rain or the cold.  this...

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Winter Comes to Iron Throne

The plan for this beatdown came together on Friday afternoon last week.  YHC felt that it would challenge whichever PAX decided to show up in what would likely be frigid temperatures the morning after the Super Bowl.  The preblast went out and...

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The Phoenix

16 pax gathered at 0530 on a holiday Monday for The Iron Thrones first Phoenix workout.  The Phoenix is designed to be repeated once a month for 3 months to see how hard you can push yourself to get in more reps or laps with each attempt.  I...

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