Volleyball on my mind

YHC Spent the better part of Sunday, 0745-1700 at my 2.1’s Volleyball Tournament in Greensboro. Let’s just say that sitting in a warehouse type building with hundreds of 12 yr old volleyball players and their parents screaming is not ideal. With...

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It’s All Downhill From Here

Normally on cold, wet January mornings, YHC can be found inside the warm confines of a budget-friendly exercise facility. Not today. @Crash put the call out to get his Q calendar filled up, and I was “happy” to accept his request to Q...

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crash & burn(s)

YHC has wanted to do some co q’s where the names of the q’s work as phrases all on their own. Crash and Burn was the first one considered some time ago. We were originally going to go to the white wall and treat it like a wall in a...

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Iron Throne Thanksgiving Parade

The pax assembled for a workout inspired by Macys Thanksgiving Day parade. Upbeat blues musical theme. Warmup SSH x 20, IST x 12, Abe Vigoda x 6, Hillbillies x 12, Whirly w/a clap x 12, AST x 13, Michael Phelps x 12 Mosey and grab a block, circle...

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Holding the wall at iron throne

Wall work planned for Iron throne and the field and wall properly lighted, the PAX assembled on a chilly morning for: Warmup 20 SSH, 12 IST, 6 Abe Vigoda, 12 Hillbillies, 12 Arm Swirly FW, 12 Arm Swirly BW, 10 Michael Phelps, Hip flexor stretches...

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The Iron Throne!

8 pax got extremely lucky as the rain subsided as we started doing stretches. Lambchop was extremely worried of harsh weather conditions and possible soggy feet. we started out with- 20 side straddle hop 20 imperial walkers 20 Hillbilly’s...

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Don’t Q What You Can’t Do

WARMUP.   SSH, Michael Phelps, Whirlies   BEATDOWN. Squats x 15 IC, Forward Lunges x 10 IC, Reverse Lunges x 10 IC, Ab circuit   Carry freshly minted F3 blocks (right arm only) to the super secure block location behind the school where...

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Omaha at the Iron Throne

  Stretch, Asheville Abs Mosey around school to picnic tables.  10 Derkins, 10 Irkins , 10 Merkins 10 WWIIs legs on bench, 9 Derkins, 9 Irkins 9 merkins  10 WWIIs legs on bench… 1 Derkins, 1 Irkins 1 merkin 1 WWII legs on bench...

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Q Switcheroo at TIT

Had a beautiful starry morning for TIT this week. Enjoyed my mosey to the AO and VG, Huck, and TO got in some actual running for EC beforehand. I am sure Wobegon was working out somewhere, but apparently missed that he was our Q for this one. 😄...

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