Mayhem March Madness

7 PAX convened on a clear, cool March morning for their weekly dose of Mayhem. After some warmorama we moved onto the main event, ACC Tournament trivia through the decades. Partner Dora – exercise / run to opposite end of parking lot and...

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43 is Prime

Got on the calendar for Mayhem on my birthday. I’ll think of something. Oh yeah, way back in 2022, Adobe did a themed beatdown for my birthday. See if he still has the sign. Yup, okay, let’s do that. “Back to School, back to school. To prove to...

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My descent into Mayhem

Today is the day! Workbench finally retires from Q duties! Had to make it a special Mayhem Q, and I’m still trying to make up some burpee numbers since February’s flu and marathon brought missed days – it went something like...

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Workbench asked YHC to Q a few weeks back, looking to trade for a Flatline Q. If it wasn’t for the Q duties this morning, the 33 degree rain definitely would have made the fartsack extremely tempting. YHC may have been hoping that no one would...

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Dips Mayhem

Warmarama: SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Cherry Pies The Thang: First up:  “Hammer Time”: Every time Hammer says, “Can’t Touch This” = Burpee (only 26 in total, but they come in bursts). “Break It Down” = American Hammers AMRAP “Stop, Hammer Time” = Back...

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Centuries, Part I

BEATDOWN.   Do 100 reps of each exercise OYO. When an exercise is finished, yell “Mayhem!” On “Mayhem”, all PAX stop their current exercise and run up the hill and back down. Resume the exercise from where it was paused. After calling for...

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TIME WASTERS. Nobody cares.   BEATDOWN. Go up the hill and back down and up the hill and back down.   Bottom of the Hill to Nowhere:  Rock Thrusters x 15 Curls x 15 Tricep Press x 15   Four Curves on the Hill: * start at 5 reps...

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The Prize Fight

With time running out on the “Month O Mike Tyson” and having the Q at Mayhem this week, what kind of silliness could I come up.? Ohhh….I think I have something. Let the boxing training begin. ** Oh wait, almost forgot to mention. The Playlist **...

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Simple Not Easy

Time Wasters – Warm- O – Rama The Thang – Simple not Easy This month is Mike Tysons for the October Challenge and being that I got a nice reminder from Workbench that I had the Q for Mayhem (Thank you, I would have missed this), I needed to come...

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olympics at mayhem

We did olympics at mayhem on 7.31.2024. yhc can’t remember much about the workout except it was similar to olympics at mayhem a few years ago Start at a table, bring a rock, do exercises, then run a circuit or go to next table. 2 track...

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300 Paces to Nowhere

Workbench is the ideal Site Q (though he is likely ready to hand off if anyone wants to step up). He is ever present at beatdowns, doesn’t complain about finding Qs, and most importantly… reminds the Qs when they are up next. It was this reminder...

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200 Ranger Merkins

So I have the Q at Mayhem for June 26. Okay, I google the date to see if anything interesting happened in the past or famous birthdays. Nothing piqued my interest. Now what? Oh, see what songs or albums may have been released on this date. Found...

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