
OK.  Look.  I knew I was scheduled to Q this workout today, but it didn’t really register until yesterday evening, and I had to get a workout planned before my bedtime.  That didn’t leave much time at all.  I thought about making it a...

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Team Murph at Mayhem

Warm-o-Rama: the usual for the @Goofy The Thang Partner up.  There are 3 stations. Stations 40 pull-ups as a team. P1 does pull ups, P2 runs circle, then flapjack until complete reps, then go to station 2. 80 merkins as a team using same...

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Mayhem 4/10

  Warmup: SSH x 20 Whirly with clap x 20 IST x 20 slow Mountain Climbers x 20 Merkin x 10 Workout: Mosey to picnic shelter at Jamison park 12 days of Christmas(copyright Bevo) 1 burpee lap around building-lunge walk one side, bear crawl...

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A simple plan

Let’s be honest.  Counting cadence has its place, but it’s not exactly a good time for the Q.  As Q, if you are actually doing what you’re Qing, you’re sucking wind while trying to say “1-2-3” like you’re...

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11 strong came for my annual trek to Mayhem.  I have the ultimate respect for those living in this neck of the woods who make it regularly to Urban Assault and Flatline.  That is a haul. This morning’s workout did not take a lot of...

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Suck it up, Boys

27 degrees at post, with occasional wind. Zima in shorts BUT he was wearing two shirts, at least one of which was long-sleeved.  He ran in with the shovel flag.  (Excellent site Q.) Mongoose responded cheerfully to YHC’s request to bring...

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The Fellowship of the Pax

Wash, rinse, repeat.  Another Greenspan Q, another damp morning.  YHC was up late trying to pull together a workout that had a consistent theme and would live up to the “premier” expectations of the site Q.  #Fail.  Whether it was the late hour...

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Rock the Hill to Nowhere

Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops x 20 reps, Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 reps, Arm Swirly things x 20 reps mosey to the playground.  Quick stop to do 5 Burpees. Hang for 20 seconds x 2, then 5 pull-ups. Mosey to pavilion. 2 rounds of dips x 15 reps...

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Taking a Ride at Mayhem

Twelve PAX assembled at Meadowlark Elementary to welcome a new day and break in a VQ. It all started out well but a Q fail on the second warm-up exercise set the MC into full throttle. Who knew there was a strict method to counting Abe Vigodas? A...

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Just a Minute

Pax:  Root Canal (WD), Total Recall (WB), Splash, Zima, Red Eye, Voldemort, Toe Tag So, what do you do when Zima tells you that you are going to Q a workout? You try to Q a workout. YHC has not been posting much lately and could not remember...

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