Rhabdo Redo

YHC pulled into the parking lot just behind a familiar black Hyundai.  Several minutes later, a thinly layered Turnover emerged from the vehicle mumbling, “Should have stayed in bed.”  Upon Workbench’s arrival, Turnover pulled the Site-Q emeritus...

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The Bruce Lee

Well, just like Mr. Lee, this one’s gonna be fast! And brutal. It was that time again. Time to make a Q return to the spot of my VQ… #Mayhem. Love this spot. So many terrible options. Since it’s the season of #IronPAX2022, I had...

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A Spoonful of Sugar

12 pax showed up at the Greenbriar Farm clubhouse at the last minute to binge on SUGAR and try to ward off the crash for as long as possible at Bells and Whistles, the premier kettlebell workout in all of F3 Winston-Salem if not the entire...

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Safety first at Mayhem!

YHC has a Ragnar race on Friday, and had planned to keep it safe and simple today. We’ve gone through a long list of injuries on our Ragnar team’s and we can’t afford any injuries! Despite my best efforts to tell guys to post at...

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Crash Dummy Grinder

5 were there by 5:29, High Cotton rolled in with 10 seconds to spare to complete 6 and make possible the 3 man grinders planned, no need to Omaha to another plan. Announced it was 7 am and as everyone turned to go home remembered and announced it...

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6th Core Principle

Second Q for the week for YHC and just as humid. As this week continued to be the Spamalot Farewell Tour it was only appropriate to give the Mission Statement and the 5 Core Principle. YHC chose to give the 6th core principle, Imperial Walkers???...

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Covid Q

Drama Queen sent out a message early this morning that he tested positive for COVID yesterday.  He selflessly still got up early and dropped off his card board workout plan at the AO before anyone arrived.  Thanks DQ for making us run up and down...

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Blast from the Past at Mayhem

Eager to wash the foul taste of 45 minutes of MARY that @Bevo had dished out the week before at #Mayhem, YHC was chomping at the bit to bring a beatdown that was full of movement to the AO he previously Site Q’d. Let’s see how it...

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Body by Jake

WARMARAMA. SSH, Michael Phelps, Whirlies, IST, Burpees   THE BEATDOWN. Escalator Down (pop off the top exercise after each round) Mountain Climbers ……..……. 64 Heels to Heaven …………..….. 56 Squats ………………………….….. 48 WWIIs ………………………….….. 40...

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return to mayhem

with the site q out of town, yhc quickly broke the “you cant return here” rule and stole the q.  and this is how it went…. warm o rama – SSH, IW, Abe V, merkin, plank jack, mountain climber, peter parker (this is not what...

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