Conspiracy of Pull-ups

YHC put out a brief pre-blast announcing that today’s workout would address the Conspiracy against pull-ups.  Did you know that there are only two AOs in the entire Dash/WeFoCo universe that have true pull-up bars?  With a perfect recitation of...

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The pool is open at the YMCA?

The Idiots of the Village hold a special place in YHC’s heart.  Fantastic location, with tracks, covered areas, picnic tables, easy access for EC runs.  But until this past weekend, YHC was unaware that there were rocks.  Yesterday, on a...

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CrAzY 8’s

YHC was looking forward to this one, who doesn’t love a well numbered date to tie into a beatdown!? Obviously 8/8 led to cRaZy 8s, the only problem was finding CrAzY enough exercises to do. And hey, why not go back to the Auditorium Hill…...

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August 8th and the Hateful Eight

Warm-o-Rama: SSH x 16 IC sort of Imperial Walkers x 16 IC Abe Vagoda x 8 IC Whirley x 16 hip circles x16 IC Dive bombers x 8 OYO Arm Swirly Things x 8 F then B The Thang Mosey to rock pile  Hateful Eight pick a one hand rock and a 2 hand rock

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The Third Wheel

“I’m long.” – Cherry Pie Oh, how I wanted to make that the title of the backblast, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Warm-o-rama. ??? Beatdown. FINISHED.   THOUGHTS. CP and VG made it through 16 rounds with a bunch of extra...

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Send `em up Backwards

Looking for a few ideas, YHC thumbed through a few randomly chosen back blasts. The Thang nailed down, YHC added a twist or two and hoped that some PAX showed up.  All things considered it was a pretty fine morning at Hanes Park. Temperature in...

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No Shame for the Size of My Weinke

Warm-o-rama. SSH, IST, Whirly with the Clap, Spider Merkins Beatdown. Pretty simple beatdown.  PAX choice to start anywhere in the list of exercises and then move down the list after each exercise is completed.   Ten sets of each exercise with...

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