Chase the Spam

Warm-o-rama. Mosey up the Hill to Nowhere to grassy area Exercise x 10 IC / Merkins x 5 IC SSH / Regular Whirlies / Diamond Squats / Ranger Mountain Climbers / Crucible Peter Parkers / Wide Imperial Storm Troopers / Regular Toy Soldiers / Diamond...

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Stardust for Ziggys Birthday!

When Tonka threw out some plans for a surprise birthday beatdown for Ziggy at Washington Park, the original Q, Palin (who is in the same GA group as Ziggy), found himself searching for a sub last minute. Despite YHCs wanting to be there in...

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Heart Racer

Warmarama: We ran to a corner of the launch lot, did Mountain Climbers x 20, then ran back to the center of the lot. Beatdown: Can’t Touch This (to music):  every time Hammer says, “Can’t Touch This”, burpee.  Every time he says, “Break it down,”...

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The Phoenix Week 1 – COVID-19

Oops … Just realized this has been sitting in my drafts for the past week.  Oops. Warm-o-rama. We probably did something.  My guess is that there were 19 reps of a few exercises. Beatdown. A weight was required.  A cinder block was...

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Recycling BLIMPS at #VI

It appears that despite much of #WeFoCo fartsacking this morning, VI was crowned the winner in most PAX as 5 posted to a recycled and socially distance-approved workout that hurts whether in “normal” or COVID-19 times. On what is...

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The Second Time’s a Charm

Introduction  Due to extreme Q laziness, this was a repeat of a workout done back in January with one minor revision – we skipped the 41 burpees mid-way through the beatdown.  Spam and The H.O.G. were the only ones who got a second punch...

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