This Thursday marks the 4th of July, a wondrous holiday worthy of a convergence! All regularly scheduled F3 AOs will converge for a special 0700 beatdown at Jamison Park (next to #Mayhem). If you are a site-Q, please bring your shovel flags to...

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Laps for Freedom at Village Idiocy

11 motivated souls joined Gucci this morning for the world famous #Gucciwarmup, followed by 3 laps of various sprints and exercises.  I am not sure I can say a good time was had in all of the thick air of a North Carolina July morning, but some...

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UA 6/28/19

Warm-O-Rama: 20 SSH, 20 IST, 20 WWC, 15 Merkins, 20 MCs, Lap around Bailey Park Mosey to patio behind Incendiary: 20 dips-run to end of patio-1 Burpee-run back 20 Irkins-run to end of patio-2 Burpese-run back 20 Merkins-run to end of patio-3...

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Celebration Pain Stations

It is amazing to have your first two Q’s fall on important dates in your life, but that happened for me. Saturday at my VQ, we celebrated my Dad’s birthday and today is my wife’s birthday. What a better way to celebrate my...

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Deconstructed Burp-Ups

  YHC was up late last night working on a project and then made to stay up even later due to a waking 2 ½ year old. Flip to waking up at 0524 to promptly scrambling! YHC grabbed a workout shirt, towel, and some gloves (having slept in...

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Come Hell or High Humidity

The Estate 6.10.19 PAX: H.O.G., Drip, Razzie, Chisel, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Corruption (from Ft Mill), Burns (Q) I woke up this AM and checked my phone (big mistake) to see 68 degrees and 99% humidity. Oh lordy. Maybe no one would show up, I...

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D Day Remembrance

When Schneider asked for Qs several weeks ago and YHC chose 6/6 there was no doubt a theme was in order.  75th Anniversary of D Day is all over the news today and YHC recommends you stop and take a moment to realize the enormity of this day in...

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