Yesterday, YHC and the kids ran a Spartan Race in Fayetteville, so the original plan was a Spartan themed beatdown complete with many pull-ups, bear crawls, and burpees. But today is YHC’s 2.2’s 6th birthday, and thought it more appropriate to...

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Urban Assault 5/31/2019

Thirteen PAX came together on a beautiful morning in Bailey Park to put some work in. It went something like this:   Warmup SSH Hillbillies Abe Vigoda The Thang Moseyed to the corner of 5th and Chestnut and started a Route 66. We stayed on...

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Wild Turkey at The Distillery

Upon arrival at the AO this morning it appeared that perhaps only Schneider and YHC may be in attendance at the Distillery today. A plan was being formulated for what only 2 pax would do in the gloom if nobody else showed. 0525 came and so did...

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Flatline 5/28/19

4 PAX turned out for a high intensity beatdown with no breaks at Flatline this morning. Here’s how it went.   The clock tower struck 5:30am and we were off… beginning with moving from the top of the parking lot to the bottom by...

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Memorial Day Mash

Warm-O-Rama: Windmill x 10 IC American Hammer x 10 IC The THANG: 40 Minutes of Hell – Partner 1 performs AMRAP of the exercises below while Partner 2 runs to designated spot, performs a “Bobby Hurley” and runs back.  Flapjack...

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Thirty Fiver

YHC turned 35 on Tuesday and is still partying, so why not make it our theme!? YHC also learned of a guest visiting the AO, so get a little extra pressure to introduce him to some of our favorite spots…   Warm-o-rama Abe Vigoda x 3...

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Pont’s favorite Doctors

Pont’s favorite Doctors

I had not queued is a couple of months, so felt like a theme was required.  So today we remembered all of my favorite Doctors.  Way too much content, so some sections got cut short and some sections got left out all together.  I appreciate the...

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Dry at Distillery

It being my fourth Q since Friday, YHC had planned a reboot of a workout I had done a long time ago at Bells & Whistles, with a few adjustments being made to account for the availability of cinder blocks at The Distillery.  Alas, it was all...

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Mongoose Reprise(al)

It had been well over a year since YHC Q’d a workout at Mayhem (since February 7, 2018 to be exact), so I felt comfortable that the Statute of Limitations had run on dusting off a previous workout and trotting it out again.  (I mean, who...

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“The Dirt” at Outhouse

8 PAX showed up for a retread Sandbag workout led by yours truly (similar to one I Q’d at Outhouse approx. 2 years ago). WARMARAMA:  A typical medley of SSHs, ISTs, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Whirly’s with a social disease, Abe...

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