Brownies at IS for 420

Warm-o-Rama: SSH x 20 Imperial Walkers x 20 Arm Swirly Things x 20 F then B Short yoga flow stretch with plank up dog, down dog and lunges The Thang: Mosey to track The 4:20 merkin mile the merkin miles mean Cousin 4 laps enter first turn wide...

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An Easter Eve Medley

18 Pax posted to Purgatory, a few of which may have confused and thought this was a running workout.  All were welcomed and I hope got their moneys worth. Warm-o-Rama: The usual for Goofy The Thang Individual Medley 1st round, 5 Burpees, 5...

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Sorry for the belated Conspiracy post.  8 hearty Pax showed up for a beautiful morning at Hanes Park.  Not a bad crowd considering it’s the middle of Spring Break for many of us. Warm-a-Rama YHC always like to to start off with a warm up...

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Double Distilled by Dora

YHC did this workout once before at #VI.  It was stupid then and it is still stupid.  Kind of a lazy effort by YHC as Q, but after Harden broke YHC at The Estate on Monday, posting 4 days in a row, a 3 day conference in Winston, a Global...

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Flatline 4/16/19

YHC arrived early, having not slept well with a cold and in need of a stretch and warm-up before that workout that expressly forbids warm-ups, or atleast that’s what Zima always says. Slowly a few more arrive and we stretch and chit chat, I...

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Lots of Visitors at VI

8 PAX met on Tax Day morning at Village Idiocy for a beatdown to be led by YHC.   We had no clue regarding the interesting folks who would pay us a visit and share in our experience before 0615 rolled around. Schneider, Sassy and THE Singing...

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Who is Nolan Richardson?

11 pax joined YHC in the gloom for my maiden voyage at The Estate. A cry for assistance was sent out last evening for parking instructions at the AO as well as a brief description of who would likely attend and what would they expect. Intel was...

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It was Possible at IS this am!

The challenge was laid down for 15 Pax to show up at IS on the rainy Saturday morning. When YHC showed up and saw that there were no parking spaces, I took it as a good sign that we had a good chance. Little did I know that the SWAT team in...

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Beastie Boys Beatdown

6 PAX met on a pleasant Thursday morning at The Distillery, several of whom had already completed an EC run.  After YHC set up my props around the parking lot, we got started on a quick warm-up. WARMARAMA:   A medley of SSHs, Hillbillies, Arm...

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Mayhem 4/10

  Warmup: SSH x 20 Whirly with clap x 20 IST x 20 slow Mountain Climbers x 20 Merkin x 10 Workout: Mosey to picnic shelter at Jamison park 12 days of Christmas(copyright Bevo) 1 burpee lap around building-lunge walk one side, bear crawl...

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