ZIMA might have been our HERO

#Flatline started with a mosey to the amphitheater for some SSH, Imperial storm troopers & clapping whirlies Then to the parking lot behind the amphitheater for a couple sets of Burpies Then we took a short mosey to the new park where we...

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Pardon The Interruption

We were having a nice leisurely pre-Purgatory stretching session and catching up on the events of the week at about 0655 when this silver car blasting Auburn’s fight song pulls into the parking lot on two wheels with a former #Nantan hootin...

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60 Ahead

This BB is for a Q that YHC was not present to lead… that happened 18 days ago. In honor of the idiocy that is daylight savings and springing 60 minutes ahead. The plan was to celebrate by doing 60 stupid something’s for the beatdown! ...

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Taking Flight

YHC was stepping in early for @Mutton, who needed a substi-Q and will now be Qing in mid April. Had been toying with a few things, but went back to play off of a similar style workout from the Sexual Chocolate one led back in January. Really...

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A simple plan

Let’s be honest.  Counting cadence has its place, but it’s not exactly a good time for the Q.  As Q, if you are actually doing what you’re Qing, you’re sucking wind while trying to say “1-2-3” like you’re...

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Poetry in Motion

Listen my children and you shall hear Of the Flatline beatdown in the Dash frontier. On the twenty-sixth of March, in twenty nineteen Hardly a man remained dry and clean It was Burns’s first Flatline post, just to be clear. The Q posted on Slack...

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11 strong came for my annual trek to Mayhem.  I have the ultimate respect for those living in this neck of the woods who make it regularly to Urban Assault and Flatline.  That is a haul. This morning’s workout did not take a lot of...

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Sweet 16 at The Distillery

8 posted on a misty morning for a block workout YHC is calling sweet 16. Warm-o-Rama – The usual for Goofy Pick up a block.  As a group go to corner of parking lot, perform called exercise, Carry your weight with you as you go.  All...

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