Black Friday Deals

So, how do you deliver on a Black Friday? Just like all of the advertising and hype, you have to over promise and under deliver. Today was no exception. The idea was to have a themed workout to celebrate the history and evolution of the shopping...

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Speed Dating at Flatline

YHC had not had the pleasure of attending Flatline thus far and was actually quite content with that decision (#ingoranceisbliss). However, as a good site Q does, Hedwig conscripted me into service and directed me to go forth and #Lead. So here...

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YHC graciously signed up to Q this workout but adversity started stacking up as the date approached. First, the M scheduled a doctor appointment for 7:30 – no wait, 7:15!?! Then, YHC got hit with a cold over the weekend. YHC strongly considered a...

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A Visit to the Principal’s Office

5 Pax fought off the call of the fartsack on a cool and drizzly day to post at #TheDistillery. Given the forecast for rain, YHC had planned a workout for under shelter. This didn’t allow for a lot of variety, so I decided to have a little fun...

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Rocks + Ropes = COMBS

Splash’s pre-blast built the suspense as to whether or not YHC’s ankle was sufficiently healed to Q this morning’s workout. 10 PAX showed up to see and, sure enough, I was there and ready to go. The workout was approximately as follows...

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