High Q brings haiku

Four pax gathered for the annual “Since I have no creativity, I’ll borrow something from Toto” fest at The Distillery this morning.  Plan was simple- just latch onto something that has emanated from Toto in the past 24 hours and...

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Conspiracy Backblast 9-27-17

The Moleskin: YHC was delighted to have 3 FNG’s present in the gloom this A.M. and I managed to pull together my best disclaimer which went on for some time and probably cut into our workout time (“Was it over when the German’s...

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Mayhem comes to Jamison

Thirteen Pax elected to take their DRP (which evidently didn’t agree with one Pax, so we finished with 12) at Mayhem this fine morning.  Hopefully the side effects for the rest of the Pax will be more positive. Warm-o-rama All done in...

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Caught on Tape

10 pax dropped the red pill and posted to Flat Line, the DashPax’s Premier Tuesday Morning Urban Beat Down.  After a little scouting trip of the AO, YHC set out to concoct a non-running beat down to make Zima proud. It went down something like...

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Village Idiocy. Yep.

Fifteen pax, including one FNG, gathered on the grounds of the Jerry Long YMCA for this week’s installment of Village Idiocy.  #TheOuthouse is YHC’s typical Monday domain, but who could resist Spamalot’s invitation to dole out...

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UA 9.22.17

It is every PAX’s worst nightmare, alarm clock failure of some type and you are late waking up. My alarm woke me up at 05:20 (though YHC is sure it was set for far earlier), usually I would take this as my body telling me something and use it as...

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The Distillery 9/21/17

Tuco texted Sassy and YHC last night for assistance in getting some extra mileage in before The Distillery. We were happy to oblige and the twitter invite caught the eye of Hardin and Sour Mash who also joined with glee. So we gather at 5am but...

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Airline Travel Part 2

7 PAX including 3 frequent fliers showed up at #Mayhem to finish the flight and see what all the fuss was about. The flight flan was logged so the PAX took off. Their journey went something like this… Warm o rama Merkins x 10 IC in honor of the...

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