Impossible Situation

YHC arrived right on time and a bit surly.  Why is it smoke detector battery warnings only go off at 3am and not 3pm.  After struggling to find new batteries that did not work, the rest of the night was spent listening to warning beeps every...

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DRP: Monday at the Launchpad

A coupla young guns took to the Launchpad to get their week started in a proper fashion. WoR – Abe vigodas x8, extended stretchy stretches, SSH x15, Imperial Walkers x15, Seal Claps x15, Jack Reachers x15 Mosey to the swings. Mittens does...

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Take it away, Cruiser

This whole crazy thing we do is built on the core principles, which I know you all know by heart.  Today it was about “….in a rotating fashion.”  T-Claps to Sea-Man for running a top-notch AO for a venerable amount of time (over...

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Mother Lode

After a very well attended SuperMaxx murph, YHC posted his signs to get ready for the very special Mother’s Day eve beatdown. Thanks Adobe for the signs. As the start time came due, 16 PAX gathered behind the church to start the workout. It may...

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After a frantic message from Turnover, desperate for a substi-Q, I obliged and said I would take his IS date. I gave a sneak peak that we would “Ascend” to new heights, however, Palin had different plans. Warm-O-Rama 20 SSH 10 Abe...

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tour around the estate

YHC is relatively unfamiliar with the estate. It was a site where I was attacked by an ent some time ago, putting a branch into the knee and recovering maybe 4-6 weeks with a few missed weeks of F3. I’ve stayed away since, with a notable...

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Wee Wee’d Up

“Rise and shine its butt whipping time!” Or “Rise and shine its butt wiping time?” Despite the average PAX age being close to 40, our youthful exuberance was on full display this Monday morning. Apparently, the proper colloquialism in the south...

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spaghetti western at alcatraz

Alcatraz needed a q about 2-3 days out and the call went out from van gogh. YHC was in town and volunteered if no one else wanted to do it. Lately some of the shows on TV YHC has found entertaining have used spaghetti western style music or often...

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Ladders around Downtown

SSHs and broga to war up. Mosey to Train Tracks: ladder 9 and 1 Pull Ups and Mike Tysons Mosey through the Coal Pit and up the stairs to top of hill; ladder 9 and 1 WWIIs and Burpees Mosey to entrance to Long Branch Trail at the cobblestone...

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PAX: Lamb Chop, Bevo, Schneider, Dr. Toot Cool and breezy continued this am as was yesterday. Lamb Chop and the Funky Bunch assembled for the Lit! Flatline. The Thang: No warmups, but there was a warmup of 11 burpees. As we exited the AO, we hit...

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