crash & burn(s)

YHC has wanted to do some co q’s where the names of the q’s work as phrases all on their own. Crash and Burn was the first one considered some time ago. We were originally going to go to the white wall and treat it like a wall in a...

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Impossible Situation

17 Pax celebrated New Year’s Eve a few hours early this Saturday morning.  It was a pleasure to see so many Pax from different AO’s converge at the Mothership.  It was a beautiful morning for fellowship and fitness! The Pax, including...

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It was Festivus, Spicoli asked me to plan a Festivus workout, he did not come… Warm-o-Rama 15 SSH, 10 Whirly, 6 Abe Vigoda, 10 Imperial Walker, then the rain began so we mosied. The Thang Mosey to the parking garage, partner up for Dora...

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Bitter Cold Convergence

Christmas Eve brought us the coldest workout YHC has ever posted in. 6 degrees at 6am, and 7 degrees at 7 am. Warming up to 8 degrees at 8am… thankfully, Bullwinkle offered to open up the ROCC coffee bar for us after the beat down, which was...

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December 22, 2022 WIB Preblast

LOCATION: Brookberry Farm Half Barn (36.11507470388223, -80.36494798020112) at the intersection of Autumn Park and Heron Ridge   BEATDOWN: HIIT Style (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off) Mountain Climbers Iron Mikes Merkins 180 Degree Jump Squats...

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12 Days of Burnsmas

A reprisal of last year’s 12 day’s of Christmas workout (seen here) was in order for the 9 pax who joined YHC in this morning’s beautiful, chilly, foggy downtown winter wonderland. Too bad we spent the whole thing in a parking...

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