Just the tip

A hearty crew of 13 old-timers, and Frost bite, gabbed through a rigorous shoulder heavy and core focused workout. It was suggested to bear crawl to ‘just the tip’ of the parking spaces, innuendoed discussion ensued. Much stalling was attempted...

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The Second Battle of Hanes Park

There was some unfinished business down at the park this morning.  For those that could afford the gas money and were willing to travel the distance, help was needed to continue the battle against the Grim Reaper.  Knowing the fight would be...

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Impossible Situation is Not Dead

A small, but elite force traveled to the West End to battle the army of the darkness, commanded by our old friend, the Grim Reaper.  This workout was created by Cobra, stolen by Mongoose, bastardized and then self-plagiarized by Thistle, and...

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Iron Throwning with the Homeys

The morning was nice, cool ish but not freezing! Zima made sure to ask if this workout would be run by fat boy Schlitz or nah?? So then we got started with the warm up. 20 side straddle hop 20 imperial walkers 20 hillbilly’s 6 ave dagoda 15...

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So Random

Simple and basic on a cold morning. We could hear the site Q snoring happily in his bed across the street.  It went like this: Standard Warm-O-Rama The Thang was Random Tabata. 10 Choices are possible: 30 seconds on, 15 off, hit the Random Number...

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Iron Throne Thanksgiving Parade

The pax assembled for a workout inspired by Macys Thanksgiving Day parade. Upbeat blues musical theme. Warmup SSH x 20, IST x 12, Abe Vigoda x 6, Hillbillies x 12, Whirly w/a clap x 12, AST x 13, Michael Phelps x 12 Mosey and grab a block, circle...

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The Frosty Launchpad!

Launchpad! Defrost- 20 side straddle hop 20 imperial walker 20 hillbilly Stovetop- mosey to the track for a warm up lap four different beer boxes (cones to run to) each section is further and further away. start with ten burpees at the track...

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Holding the wall at iron throne

Wall work planned for Iron throne and the field and wall properly lighted, the PAX assembled on a chilly morning for: Warmup 20 SSH, 12 IST, 6 Abe Vigoda, 12 Hillbillies, 12 Arm Swirly FW, 12 Arm Swirly BW, 10 Michael Phelps, Hip flexor stretches...

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