Pair of 3 at TIT

A nice but muggy July morning with an occasional slight breeze. Finishing the workout plan on my slow mosey to Iron Throne.  I was all alone on arrival and without a time-telling thingy of any kind. A few more minutes and I contemplated a quick...

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UA is UberAmazing

Warmarama:  SSH, Hillbillies, Abe V, Stretching hamstrings, downward dog then updawg, piriformis stretching in sitting and so on and so forth.   THE THANG: (loosely copied from a Dr Toot beatdown from this past winter) Mosey to E 5th to R on...

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Crash Dummy Grinder

5 were there by 5:29, High Cotton rolled in with 10 seconds to spare to complete 6 and make possible the 3 man grinders planned, no need to Omaha to another plan. Announced it was 7 am and as everyone turned to go home remembered and announced it...

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Curb Crawls

Warmrama: Four corners while we waited for Spicoli.  Seal Claps, Bonnie Blairs, SSHs, Apollo Onos.  Spicoli didn’t show so it was time to go. The Thang: Quick mosey east on 3rd Street, south on Town Run, east on 1st Street to Salem Avenue. Mike...

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A Mild TIT

Warmrama: Abe Vigodas, Whirlies, Hammy Stretch, Updawg, Downdawg, Stretchy-Retchy The Thang: Mosey down Yorkshire towards Silas Creek, through parking lot of Parkway Presbyterian, west on Kirklees, NW on Archer and up the hill to east on...

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Tabatas at Alcatraz

I was thankful for a short time Saturday we actually got some relief from the heat and humidity and it turned out to be a pleasant cool morning.   We had 8 for Supermax including FNG Rocky who is a friend of Bullwinkle.  Rocky and Bullwinkle, we...

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Forth of July Convergence

Warm-o-Rama  Cadence-ish Arm swirly things Side straddle hop/Jumping jacks Imperial Walker/Storm Trooper Then stretchy Hip swirly thing knee swirly things Sidebends   Mosey to the baseball diamond and count off 1-4 FIELD of DREAMS HOME 15...

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