Tour of the Pavilions

Started out a perfect cool morning where 5 Pax (@Madoff @harden @F3 Singing Cowboy @huckleberry @Workbench) met at 5:00 EC run.  I haven’t been running much lately, so I was happy for the motivation of taking part in the weekly VI EC run...

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Body by Jake

WARMARAMA. SSH, Michael Phelps, Whirlies, IST, Burpees   THE BEATDOWN. Escalator Down (pop off the top exercise after each round) Mountain Climbers ……..……. 64 Heels to Heaven …………..….. 56 Squats ………………………….….. 48 WWIIs ………………………….….. 40...

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No Lolligaggers !

If there was ever an AO where Lolligagging should be truly off limits, Flatline is it! True to form, there was lollygagging OR shenanigans this morning, just good ole fashioned, good-natured hard work.  Right Spicoli?! Apologies to the PAX who...

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return to mayhem

with the site q out of town, yhc quickly broke the “you cant return here” rule and stole the q.  and this is how it went…. warm o rama – SSH, IW, Abe V, merkin, plank jack, mountain climber, peter parker (this is not what...

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A text. “I have the sniffles, can you cover for me?” A thought, “I might be able to swing a free beer out of this.” A response, “I require beer in exchange for my services.” A response to my response...

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Baby Steps at Flat Line

5:30 sharp and a couple of Spicoli laps later, we were heading off when Juul mentioned he was bringing an FNG. Spicoli hung back to wait for the new-comer as the pax headed for the parking Deck.  Here is what we did: Partner up. A does one...

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Quote: “That Wasn’t That Bad”

WARMUP.   SSH (perfect cadence), Whirlies (perfect cadence), Michael Phelps (perfect cadence), IST (perfect cadence)   BEATDOWN. Set up workout stations in 4 corners of a square, about 100 yards apart, with another station in the center.  Do...

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