So much for rain and hurricanes

YHC did not have time and q’ing is still a bit anxiety provoking so with the possibility of rain I did a slight repeato of last week’s trivia tabata at Parliament, this time with a different theme and bad water themed jokes that...

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The Patriot Challenge

YHC is almost always up for a fun CSAUP challenge… and over the weekend, Spam shared a beat down here endured while visiting F3 Suncoast with Splash. So it goes without saying, of course, we would try it out today!...

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Choose your own Super Max!

For the 4th of July Weekend, with many PAX traveling, and all Saturday AOs converging the choice was made to carry the SuperMax torch to the Mothership. The 6 o’clock beatdown has proven useful for some PAX who cannot attend the 7 o’clock, as...

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As I pulled into the HP parking lot, I was very pleased to see The Vig and Mongoose.  It had been a long time since I had seen them on a Wednesday at Hanes Park and I did not want to disappoint them or the rest of the Pax with a less than stellar...

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Pyramid of Mayhem

Warm-O-Rama: 15 SSHs, 6 Abe Vigoda, 10 whirlie w/clap, 10 arm swirlie forward, 10 arm swirlie reverse, then mosey to the track behind Meadowlark. The Pyramid:  Lap 1 around track 20 merkins, lap 2 20 merkins, 20 squats, lap 3 20 merkins, 20...

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6 Pax showed up for a fast moving Flatline beatdown.  72 degrees and 90% humidity made for a particularly sultry morning as we left the parking lot sharply at 5:30 with NO warm up per Flatline rules. Our first adventure was to head to down 1st...

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Burpees, Abs, and Halfpipes

YHC has the bear race coming up next week, and wanted to make sure there was some last second training for the race this week. So what is better than finding a hill halfpipe to run up and down while doing some burpees and abs. Warm Up: SSH IST...

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Block Carry VQ

Warm-O-Rama: 15 SSHs, 15 Imperial Walker, 4 Abe Vigoda, 10 Michael Phelps, mosey around back to find our cinder blocks. The Thang: We started off with 10 squats holding our cinder block, then we did an overhead block carry about 100 yards to...

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