Fibonacci Sequence at Alcatraz

Warm-O-Rama: SSHs, Abe Vigoda, Arm swirlie things, Michael Phelps, Seal Claps, Toy Soldier, Imperial Walker, Overhead claps. The Thang: Mosey to playground parking lot. Start with WW2 then run to other side of lot and do Merkins. In reps of 1, 1...

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A Small Boulder

Warmarama: SSHs, down/up dog combo, calf stretches; then we moseyed to the old launch spot and partnered up.  One partner does pull-ups x 5 while the other partner does Lt. Dans.  Flip flop, then repeato five more times.  Mosey back to the new...

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IS 5/29/21

YHC had a great, detailed workout planned (maybe), but upon hearing that Drip’s 2.0 was working at Bobby Boy that morning, scrapped it all to go say hi. The group cheerfully moseyed along enjoying each other’s company, stopping at...

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Participation Trophies

WARMUP.     SSH. Whirlies. Michael Phelps.   BEATDOWN.   Step 1: Start on one baseline of the basketball court. Step 2: Perform 3 exercises with weight OYO (each arm) Curls x 10 Squat Thrusters x 10 Swings x 10 Step 3: Bear Crawl...

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Follow instructions on cardboard and do as many rounds as you can. A few got in 7 rounds (140 of each exercise) most got 6 rounds (105 of each exercise). Over 1 mile was run by all.   I don’t recall any mumble chatter. I’m sure there was...

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Supermax to Alcatraz

For SuperMax Fender, Crash, Van Gogh, Zima, Footclan and YHC all got to have the opportunity strain for a spartan race. We all did a short run about 0.5 miles to find some two cinder blocks (CBs) to carry them around rest of the morning. After...

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6 pax showed up for a Huckleberry IS this morning.  Lambchop mentioned a big toe injury and asked if my workout would be heavy on the big toe.  YHC lied and said no it would not  I actually can’t think for a worse workout for a toe injury. ...

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Just Making It Up As We Go

A late opportunity to lead an early-morning workout in the heart of the new Winston-Salem coupled with ideal weather and 6 of the finest DashPax resulted in a true assault of our urban area. Warmarama: The usual, unorthodox Greenspan special that...

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Runners at the corners

10 PAX gathered for a cool morning beat down in #wefoco with a rookie Q. Warmarama Side straddle hops x 22 Abe Vigodas x 5 Arm Swirly things x 12 Reverse arm swirly things x 12 Moraccan night clubs x 12 Overhead claps x 12 T-claps x 12 Michael...

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