Conspiracy 8/14/2024

Hanes Park clear and cool for the first time in months. 8 PAX made their way to the AO. Having not posted in a few weeks YHC arrived a few minutes early to place a piece of cardboard and spend a few minutes stretching out. Time called we got...

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300 Paces to Nowhere

Workbench is the ideal Site Q (though he is likely ready to hand off if anyone wants to step up). He is ever present at beatdowns, doesn’t complain about finding Qs, and most importantly… reminds the Qs when they are up next. It was this reminder...

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Wet Shoes

Nobody came to High Life Tuesday so I dusted off what I did by myself and made everyone pay. Warm 0 Rama 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Hill Billy, 10 Whirly, 6 Abe Vigoda, and then a bunch of Cherry Pie exercises The Thang Mosey lap around the...

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Impossible Situation

This will be brief as I am traveling: IS started slowly with 3 Pax at the beginning and 5 Pax at the end.  In between, there was some work done. The Thang: Mosey CLOCKWISE (Sorry Spicoli) around the park. 1st stop for warm-a-rama was the small...

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Cain was Able

The time finally came for YHC to take the keys of the AO closest to his house, literally a baseball’s throw from the front door. Warmarama: SSHs, Cherry Pies, Abe Vigodas, Whirlies The Thang Short mosey to AARP area for 20s!: Pullups x 20! For...

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Rowing Facts and Good Pain

Coming off a few weeks of stress and 14-hour days, I took the Murph off on Saturday and did Alcatraz which was perfect because it was a strength work minimal running workout to save my knees a bit.  I looked at the calendar on Sunday and messaged...

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A Group of Failures

C.S. Lewis said, “Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward towards success.”  Today was a journey through failure.   I learned from a neurologist friend that the human body has mechanisms that...

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Schlitz B-day Smash

Man these thick humid morning truly blow. lol however I’m glad we all still manage to get out of bed and into the misery together. This particular morning, burns and post hole joined me in the Winston flattest 5k for a little seasoning on today’s...

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Cult adjacent, maybe?

The rain held off, and the cars rolled in. Looks like Schltiz had his own personal EC run, good on ‘em. It went like this: Warm-O-Rama SSH, Whirly, Overhead claps, Seal claps, Arm Swirly Things, Calf Stretch, Abe. Everyone loves Abe and the Calf...

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