The Phoenix round 2

7 Brave pax (4 returns and 3 new) posted to a cold, rainy, wet round 2 of Huckleberry’s Phoenix to see if they could improve on their previous attempt or set a bar for round 3 next month. YHC did not care about the rain or the cold.  this...

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No Q at VI

2 pax for a 2 mile EC run 5 for the beatdown. No Q (says he didn’t know he was scheduled, site Q fail) Doesn’t Slackbot send out a reminder? Never fear YHC had a backup plan in the truck. Warmup: SAH, Steve Earls, Arm Swirly F/B, hold Overhead...

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Foo to the Frozen tundra

YHC has not had to write a BackBlast in over a year, due to certain F3 chapters that will not be named that refuse to make backblasts. Woke up this morning to a frozen tundra, which could have been a winter wonderland could have come up with some...

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A Dry Place

YHC woke up at 0400 and took a peek outside to see ice in the trees.  Definitely not running this morning (although the H.O.G. is a stronger man than YHC).  Back to sleep until 0625; more ice than before upon waking up.  Better get going.  After...

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Drip, Thanks for the Memories

As I arrived 30 seconds prior to launch, as usual, I noted that the hardcore, high end performers were the totality of the PAX, so “ruh roe Elroy,” this could be a bad morning to be me. The 32 degree mist was backing off, but I made...

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The Road to Nowhere

When the call went out earlier in the week from the Mayhem Site Q, Turnover, for a Q, YHC gladly accepted as it was probably going to be one of the last dry days of this week and is within 5 minutes of home. YHC sent one of his Burpee video...

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Birthday Celebration

12 pax gathered to celebrate the 7th birthday of the VI AO.  It was the morning after the super bowl and there was talk about wings a beer but they posted anyway. 0530 – mission statement and happy birthday to VI Warm o rama – SSH x...

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VQ Flatline

It was my VQ for Flatline and I knew warmorama was not allowed so I was sure to show up early for some solo stretching. As all the cars rolled in with Bevo getting out of his car JIT, YHC recited F3s mission and core principles both for practice...

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Broga at IS

Excuse me for the blunt and quick BB…especially after reading (admittedly super fast) TO’s BB that was just intimidating to those who don’t like to type.   Been crazy the last few days.   We gathered in the usual parking...

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