Breaking the Rules at IS

The Pax gathered right at 7am for a torrid beatdown that was ala Flatline and Run n Gun mixed together and where later the Q was accused on slack of breaking the rules at IS. Warm-up 15 Burpees The Thang mosey to bottom of Intimidato- 50...

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Stretchy Stretchies for Whammo!

Unusually warm morning for January, a jaunty group gathered including FNG Michael, whom I tormented into coming. Warm-o-rama: SSH, Abe Vigodas, ISTs, Stretchy Stretchies (more on that later) The Thang: Moseyed to the track for the simple act of...

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Leg’s for days!

Amazing morning with me showing up to an AO in a heavy rain storm.  And it helps to have a dry place to workout in! We all gathered in the dreaded parking garage and listened to the Q give the mission statement and then we got right to work. The...

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F3:Musical Mayhem

Option Z.  Any Pax that did not wish to run up the hill could choose to do said exercise on  cardboard with various coupons until runners returned. Run up the Hill to Nowhere and do 10 Burpees, Come back down Tubthumping: I Get Knocked Down.  ...

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Oh to be 22 again!

Well… this week has been brutal thanks to 4 killer beatdowns courtesy of Huckleberry, Greenspan, Drip, and Burns. Time to muster what strength I have left to put on a show worthy of what they dished out earlier in the week… just a month ago, YHC...

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Birthday Treat

Warm a rama lap around track SSH X 20 ISTx20 Squat x10 Abe Vigota x 6 Arm swirly things forward, backward, overhead x 10 The Thang, Spot 1-Intimidator hill one group ran up hill while other performed exercises AMRAP Burpees Mountain Climbers Spot...

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The Phoenix

16 pax gathered at 0530 on a holiday Monday for The Iron Thrones first Phoenix workout.  The Phoenix is designed to be repeated once a month for 3 months to see how hard you can push yourself to get in more reps or laps with each attempt.  I...

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Helter Skelter

YHC regrets that the Flat and Red Lines occur on the same day as they are 2 of YHC’s 3 favorite workouts (although the Iron Throne is gaining ground quickly).  With that being said, YHC was excited to see a large crowd gathered in the 1st Pres...

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The Peaks of West End

The morning started out with a good stretch with Boo Boo and Palin.  We moseyed to the the swing set to do some merkins and pull ups on the icy swings. Well, YHC was doing the merkins. Palin was refusing to get his backside wet and Boo Boo was...

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