700 Club on Derby Day

While it was both Star Wars Day and Kentucky Derby Day, YHC did not feel up to preparing a theme for an hour long workout.  The leftover paper bag instructions from my Flatline Q from a couple of weeks ago had been riding around in my car since. ...

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An Easter Eve Medley

18 Pax posted to Purgatory, a few of which may have confused and thought this was a running workout.  All were welcomed and I hope got their moneys worth. Warm-o-Rama: The usual for Goofy The Thang Individual Medley 1st round, 5 Burpees, 5...

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Pardon The Interruption

We were having a nice leisurely pre-Purgatory stretching session and catching up on the events of the week at about 0655 when this silver car blasting Auburn’s fight song pulls into the parking lot on two wheels with a former #Nantan hootin...

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Are you Man enough?

Warm up Yoga Warm up Challenge #1 Push up challenge 2:00min- max reps 40 = 96% less likely to have heart problem Mozy around the block Push up training- Tabata style      Negatives- plank to chest on terra firma 5 secs count- repeato x10 Reverse...

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Rain, Rain Go Away at Purgatory

In an attempt to keep the Pax happy and motivated, the Q had to modify his plan and try to keep it under the small but surprisingly ample shelter of Purgatory (Speas Elementary bus pick up area). Which lead me to this off the cuff beat down...

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To the Bone at Purgatory

A confession.  YHC made no effort at all to keep the Pax dry today.  It was important to establish that as the new Site Q for Purgatory, YHC would tolerate only 100 percent effort by the Q.  Ok, YHC really could not bear the thought of hanging...

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Pre-Blast for F3 Baseball

Figured this may work  better with some time to look at the plan. There is not actual playing of baseball. Pax will be divided into four teams. Each team starts at its own base. Teams must complete a cumulative number of reps of different...

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